Arumi's Photo Space

Arumi's Insect Gallery the 3rd. [contents] '99 January 04
  1. Swallowtail Part 3

  2. Swallowtail Part 2(Papilio xuthus LIN)
  3. Nephila clavata

  4. Fujibakama '97/11/24 (jp only)

  5. Robber fly who eats a fly (jp only)

  6. Calospilos miranda BUTLER(jp only)

  7. Eurema hecabe (jp only)

  8. Pseudozizeeria maha(jp only)
  9. Pidorus glaucopis atratus BUTLER (jp only)

  10. Metrioptera hime FURUKAWA (jp only)

Please mail to me in Japan.

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