This is very simple text editor for Thai language, running on DOS environment using very old CGA graphics standard. Since CGA is a subset of VGA, you can use this program not only on HP200LX palmtop computer, but also on any IBM-PC compatibles.
1. Place all the files in archive into any directory. Following files are included in the archive.
SW.EXE | Program executable file. | |
KBDMODE.BAT | MS-DOS Batch file to setup keyboard layout. | |
FONTMODE.BAT | MS-DOS Batch file to setup editing Thai font on screen. | |
KEYBOARD.101 | Keyboard layout data for 101 English keyboard | |
KEYBOARD.106 | Keyboard layout data for 106 Japanese keyboard | |
KEYBOARD.HP | Keyboard layout data for HP100LX/200LX | |
KEYSCAN.101 | Thai character mapping definition file for 101 English keyboard | |
KEYSCAN.106 | Thai character mapping definition file for 106 Japanese keyboard | |
KEYSCAN.HP | Thai character mapping definition file for HP100LX/200LX | |
CGASMALL.FON | Thai bitmap font file used for editing area (Small) | |
CGALARGE.FON | Thai bitmap font file used for editing area (Large) | |
NUMERIC.FON | Numeric font file used internally. | |
SWPLOT.FON | HPGL Thai character font file used internally. | |
README.TXT | Readme file (in Japanese) |
2. Setup keyboard layout for your environment by KBDMODE.BAT. Executing the batch file without options will display help.
For example, if you wish to setup keyboard layout for HP200LX, then type as follows.
After executing the batch file, following files will be created.
KEYBOARD.BIN | Keyboard layout data to be used in the program | |
KEYSCAN.DAT | Thai character mapping definition file to be used in the program |
Once you got these 2 new files, you can delete *.101, *.106, *.HP files in order to save disk space. But you will not able to change keyboard layout afterwards.
3. Setup Thai font file for editing area in the program by FONTMODE.BAT. Executing the batch file without options will display help.
For example, if you wish to use larger font (you will want it for tiny HP200LX screen), then type as follows.
After executing the batch file, following files will be created.
CGA.FON | Thai font file to be used in the program |
Once you got this new file, you can delete CGASMALL.FON and CGALARGE.FON in order to save disk space. But you will not able to change font size afterwards.
SWPLOT.FON contains Thai character vector data (as text) to be used with UC commnand in HPGL. There are 128 lines of data, which corresponds to ASCII code 128 to 255. You can freely modify or use these data for other purpose.
This software is freely usable and distributable as far as the following conditions are met.
- You cannot use this program for the purpose against the world's peace and friendship.
- You cannot use this program for exploitation of poor people.
The author cannot take any responsibility on the quality of this software. The author is not liable for any damage, loss or problem caused by this program. You must use this program at your own risk.