ZauLINK for Win32: A Light Weight Link Software for Japanese PI-Zaurus by Atsushi NUNOME 1. WELCOME Welcome to ZauLINK for Win32. ZauLINK is a link software running on 32-bit Windows (WindowsNT/2000/9x/Me). ZauLINK aims to be stable and to provide light weighted operation. ZauLINK may be distributed and used freely. 2. END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT Please read containing license_e.txt and agree to the terms of that license agreement. Also, you can read it through the operation [Help]-[License]-[View] in ZauLINK. 3. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS Operating System: Microsoft Windows 2000 Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 Microsoft Windows 9x/Me The NT architecture is highly recommended. Processor: Intel DX4-75MHz or higher(Pentium Processor recommended) AMD K6, Athlon 4. SHORT DOCUMENTATION ZauLINK provides the following features: (1) Name/Address/Phone list (2) Contact Manager (3) Notepad (4) Report/Scratchpad (5) Action List (6) Scheduler (7) Anniversaries (8) Memorial Days ZauLINK now supports (i)Create New Document, (ii)Edit Documents, (iii)Communicate with Zaurus, (iv)Save and Load in ZAU formatted file. If you want the English version of ZauLINK, put ZLRES.DLL with ZLINKWIN.EXE in the same directory. ZLRES.DLL replaces all messages of ZauLINK into English. You have to start to receive first when you wish to communicate your Zaurus and ZauLINK. You should operate Zaurus as following: In the case of optical communication, Touch [Menu] 3 times, Touch [Options], Touch [Optical Communication]. In the case of cable communication, Touch [Menu] 3 times, Touch [Options], Touch [Communicate with option port 15]. 5. CONFIGURE COMMUNICATION CONDITIONS (cable use only) When you use communication cable, configure communication conditions on your Zaurus in the following order: Touch [Menu] 3 times, Touch [Options], Touch [Setting option port 15 condition]. Set the parameters as below, Transmit Speed: Set speed(bit per second) same as ZauLINK. Data bit: 8 Stop bit: 1 Parity bit: None X parameter: Off CS monitor: On (CS stand for Clear to Send.) X parameter means software flow control. CS monitor means unidirectional hardware flow control. 6. HOW TO UNINSTALL First, delete ZLINKWIN.EXE. ZauLINK saves its settings to the following registry keys: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\A.N.Soft\ZauLINK\ HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\A.N.Soft\ZauLink\ Delete manually these registry keys with REGEDIT utility. If you do not understand this, you may leave them as they are. 7. KNOWN PROBLEMS The following problems have already confirmed. These problems will be fixed in the future releases. (i) The timeout is currently not implemented when an error occurred in IR communication. Please report any other problems or suggestions to me (nunome2a[at] If you encount any GPF(General Protection Fault), please email me the name of module, address, the contents of register and stack information reported from your system. 8. UPDATE HISTORY If you can read Japanese, see for update history. Currently, this history page is not available in English. 9. LATEST VERSION For up-to-date information on ZauLINK, please consult the Web page at Otherwise, you can also download at the forum FZAURUS or FPDAJ in NIFTY-Serve. If Koshin-Futaku is installed on your system, you'll be noticed at the time of ZauLINK version-up. 10. ABOUT KOSHIN-FUTAKU Koshin-Futaku is a free software which notice you the update information of your prefered softwares. ZauLINK version 1.6 or later supports Koshin-Futaku. If Koshin-Futaku is installed on your system, ZauLINK record an author and software information on the system registry database. If Koshin-Futaku is not installed, nothing is changed. You can download the latest version of Koshin-Futaku from Tenacious Nexus at This version of ZauLINK is tested with Koshi-Futaku version 2.05. Use the latest version of Koshin-Futaku as you can. 11. ABOUT TDIAL32.DLL If TDIAL32.DLL is installed on your system, ZauLINK generates tone signal when you push [Dial] button on the dialog box. In result, there is no need for you to use a modem on auto dialing. You can download the latest version of TDIAL32.DLL from Hiro's homepage at Please use newer version of TDIAL32.DLL as you can. 12. MAILWARE DECLARATION This software is permanently free to use. The reasons why I treat this software as mailware are following: (i) THIS IS WHAT I WANT. I wrote this software because no commercial applications had satisfied me. Furthermore, they are too expensive for me to buy. The goal of ZauLINK is not to make money. So I distribute this software without fee. (ii) THERE IS ROOM FOR IMPROVEMENT IN ITS QUALITY. Great softwares such as TeX or LHA are free to use. ZauLINK has not reached their level. If you would use this software continuously, read license.txt carefully. Please do not order a registration key, if you do not agree to this license agreement. 13. HOW TO WRITE REGISTRATION E-MAIL ZauLINK supports you to write registration email. Operate the following order: (1)[Help]-[License]-[Make Registration Email] (2)Fill the dialog box and click [OK] button. Then you'll obtain the content of mail in the clipboard. (3)Invoke your MUA(mail user agent) program. (4)Paste contents of the clipboard into the mail body. Do not edit the content of mail made by ZauLINK. I'll return the registration key to you within a week at the latest. Please wait the response till then. You should set email's recipient to 'INET:nunome2a[at]' from NIFTY-Serve. 14. HOW TO CONTRACT TO SUPPORT Support contracts were no longer accepted as of July 15, 2001. 15. COPYRIGHT & REDISTRIBUTION Copyright (C) 1996-2010 Atsushi NUNOME ZauLINK for Win32 is a mailware. You may redistribute the copy of this software without permission. You should have received a copy of the ZauLINK License Agreement along with this program. If not, visit the ZauLINK home page, 16. DISCLAIMER ZauLINK comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. 17. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Special thanks to TOYOKURA Yuichi at Zuken ( for his contribution of a communication cable and his useful advice. Thanks to Hiro. for TDIAL32.DLL tone signal generator. That library saved me much time to implementation of that function. Thanks, Atsushi NUNOME