Kanji (Double-byte characters)

This option statement enables Microsoft Double-Byte Character Set (known as Shift-JIS character set).
The scope of this statement is the program unit where it is written. When this is written, the behavior of substring operations, POS-functions, CHR$-functions, ORD-functions, LEN-functions and CHARACTER INPUT statements are altered.
This works properly only on Japanese Edition of Windows.

This option statement disables Microsoft Double-Byte Character Set.
The scope of this statement is the program unit where it is written. Every byte is assumed to be a character even if its ordinal exceeds 127.
Note that Full BASIC standardizes only characters of which ordinal is less than 128.
When you manipulate byte strings or a byte file, you must write these in the program units where substring operations, POS-functions, CHR$-functions, ORD-functions, LEN-functions or CHARACTER INPUT statements are used.