PRINT USING format_string : numeric_expression
Displays the value of the expression using the format.

(1) The form without a exponent part
PRINT USING "----%.####": a
displays the value of a with the integer places including the sign 5 digits, fractional places 4 digits.

            "   12.5000" for a= 12.5
            "  -12.5000" for a=-12.5
            "    0.0000" for a=    0

(i) Integer part.
Put a queue of an arbitrary number of either of +'s or -'s,
without a break put a queue of an arbitrary number of either of %'s or #'s.
- Replaced by numerals, a minus sign, or spaces.
+ Replaced by numerals, a sign, or spaces.
% Replaced by numerals.
#   Replaced by numerals or spaces.
(ii) Fractional part
Put a queue of an arbitrary number of #'s.
(Note) A format for a negative number must have +'s or -'s.
(Note) If Option menu - compatibility - behavior - "No preceding space generated" is checked, # can be replaced by a minus sign, that is, a format consisting of only #'s can be used for a negative number.

(2) The form with a exponent part
PRINT USING "-%.#####^^^^":a
displays the value of a with the sign part 1 digit, the integer part 1 digit, the fractional part 5 digits, and exponent part 4 digits.

            " 1.25000E+01" for a= 12.5  
            "-1.25000E+01" for a=-12.5 
            " 0.00000E+00" for a=    0 

(i) Integer part and fractional part
Same as the form without an exponent part.
(ii) Exponent part
At least 3 ^'s shows the exponent part (including "E").

1. A format string is a string expression, which can contain string variables or string functions.
PRINT USING "." & REPEAT$("#",15) : 1/7

2. A format string can contain two or more formats.
PRINT USING "### #.############": n, 1/n
On this case, the expressions must be punctuated by commas (not semicolons).

3. A format item can contain commas.
PRINT USING "###,###,###,###,###": 2^32
Output     4,294,967,296
Note that commas are part of a format item.

4. When a format string contains non-format characters, they act as punctuations of format items and are outputted just like they are.
PRINT USING "A= ### B= ###": A, B
(Note) The format characters are the following 11 characters.
# $ % * + , - . < > ^

5. Formatting can be used for strings.
PRINT USING "<#####": s$
(1) The first character of a format can be a "<" or a ">"
"<" left adjusts a string. ">" right adjusts a string.
Lack of "<" or ">" center adjusts.
(2) "<" or ">" is part of digits.

6. The format string can be assigned by a IMAGE line.

50 IMAGE: #####   #.#########
60 PRINT USING 50: N, 1/N

Refer to USING$ function    Non-fatal exceptions

(Note) The above is not the whole. For more information, see the ANSI Standard Full BASIC, JIS Full BASIC or ECMA BASIC standard.