Line continuation

As the standard prescribes that the upper limit of the length of a line is 132, syntax for writing a statement across two or more lines is provided.
For example,

10 PRINT f(t)*COS(t), f(t)*SIN(t)
20 END

can be written as

10 PRINT f(t)*COS(t), &
&        f(t)*SIN(t)
20 END

This is called a line continuation.
Any place where grammatically spaces can be put can be replaced by a line continuation.
A line continuation is the part from & to & in the next line.
& must be written at the beginning of a continued line. Any space character can not be put before.

As this BASIC allows a line of length much more than 132, line continuations are not necessary, however this syntax may be useful on the case of printing on a paper.