Welcome to ABRepeater

for leraning foreign languages with Mac

ABRepeater main window

This software is built for those who try to learn foreign languages. If you are saving some streaming audio in files with the help of some utility, like “Audio Hijack”, and using “QuickTime Player” to listen to that file, you are in the right place. This software is for you. The purpose of "ABRepeater" is to manage the playback point easily and effectively. The usage is very simple.
At first, you open you audio file. "mp3", " m4a", "aiff", "aac", " wav" and "mov" format is available. Then you see the window as above.
You only have to put an A marker and a B marker, then click "ABRepeat" button to start loop playing between A and B marker. Or jump to the marker position quickly. This software has been elaborated to control the marker position precisely. You can adjust its position by 0.5 second. And other useful features are added to control the playback conveniently.

If you would feel like trying this software, please download it in the popular Japanese website followings:

Vector のダウンロードサイトへ

Or you can download the latest version from the site fllowings.

my home page

After you finish downloading, when you double click "ABRepeater" for the first time, you need to open it with Control key down at just only the first time.

Required System:
Mac OS X 10.11 or later.

The latest version is 1.2.9 

What has changed from previous version 1.2.8? 

  1. The number of available extra marker turns to 4 from 2.

What has changed from version 1.2.7? 

  1. You can assign short cut key for adjusting playback speed instead of using the segment controller.

What has changed from version 1.2.6? 

  1. ABRepeat becomes Dark mode savvy in Mojave.
  2. The layout has a little bit changed.

What has changed from version 1.2.4? 

  1. A bug following is fixed.
    When "Show Tab" is chosen in Sierra, the lowest part of the window gets hidden.

I would be happy if I could hear how you feel about this software. Bug reports are also welcome. Please contact me via email. My email address is in the manual accompanying this software.

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