Hideki Naito's Software Distribution Site
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Japanese page is here: http://www.vector.co.jp/authors/VA009321/
Last updated 2003.01.12
InvMac (SPACE INVADERS emulator) has been released.
1. InvMac
2. GBMac
3. NESMac
4. DEdit
InvMac is the SPACE INVADERS emulator for Macintosh computers.
This software is freeware.
InvMac 0.9.5a6
InvMac_0.9.5a6.sit.bin (145KB) (download 1)
InvMac_0.9.5a6.sit.bin (145KB) (download 2)
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GBMac is the GAMEBOY and GAMEBOY COLOR emulator for Macintosh computers.
This software is shareware for GAMEBOY users in Japan.
GBMac latest version 1.3.1 is now released for registerd users.
Version 1.3.1 supports POKEMON Crystal, Gameboy Wars 3 and more games.
GBMac 1.2.6b4 (old version)
GBMac_1.2.6b4.sit.bin (127KB) (download 1)
GBMac_1.2.6b4.sit.bin (127KB) (download 2)
Sample free ROM images:
color_test.gb.sit.hqx (1KB)
scroll_test.gb.sit.hqx (1KB)
danlaser.gb.sit.hqx (22KB)
dscan.gb.sit.hqx (7KB)
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NESMac is the NES (Nintendo Entertainment System) emulator for Macintosh computers.
This emulator can execute the 32KB/16KB program ROM images (.nes).
NESMac is free.
The latest version 0.4.3 is not yet now released.
NESMac 0.3.6a4-ppc (old version)
NESMac036a4j-ppc.sit.hqx (45KB)
NESMac 0.3.6a4-68k (old version)
NESMac036a4j-68k.sit.hqx (38KB)
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DEdit is a simple data-fork editor. (freeware)
DEdit 1.1.0
DEdit1.1.0.sit.bin (20KB) (download 1)
DEdit1.1.0.sit.bin (20KB) (download 2)
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* GAMEBOY is a registered trademark of Nintendo Corporation.
Copyright 2003, Hideki Naito (PBC03243@nifty.ne.jp)