(7).Command line parameter.
#ifdef UNX
           xe [ edit-file-name | "*" ] [-option -...]
                edit-file-name:go to Edit screen when specified
                "*" means the file/dir last closed on previous session.
                ( '"' is required to avoid shell translation.)
                (note). If 0,1,2 or 6 is specified as edit-file-name,
                        it is treated as input to MENU panel.
                        To edit these file-name,use -B or -E option or
                        once enter to xe without edit-file-name
                        then enter "E 0" etc.
                option        :case insensitive,no sequence,
                               last effective if dup
      -b           :Browse mode open
      -c           :Codepage(Windows) or Charset(Linux)
                    See NLS support.
      -e           :Edit mode open(default)
                    Use when edit file name is "0","1","2" or "6"
                    (same as menu option id),
                    or start with "=".
      -Fx[t][:hosts]:x=0:FTP is not used, x=1:FTP avail(without log)
                     x=w:output ftplog, x=a:ftplog by append mode.
                    :t:debug option not to delete temp file for ftp get.
                    :hosts:hosts filename for xe.
                    Default is /F1:xehosts(xehosts on work directory)
      -h,-?        :Help
      -hnn         :Screen height.
                    Use when screen height and screen buffer size is not
                    same on TeraTerm ini file specification.
      -i[fname]    :ini filename to be used.if not use,specify simply -I
                   :to use default values.
                   :default is xe.ini if missing this option
      -Ln          :jump to the line nn just after the file is opened.
      -r           :Set current directory.
                    It is set from CD command on previous session.
                    Default drive is of at CD.
      -tn          :TAB column span,default n=4

#ifdef UTF8SUPP

              UF  : Default for file text encoding.
              UN  : Default for filename encoding

              -default encoding is set by UTF cmd, This option override the UTF cmd setting.
              -About file text encoding.
               CPU8/CPLC optionon Edit/Browse file/directory cmd is save to profile.
               Priority among those setting are as following.
                open cmd option->profile->cmdline option->UTF8 cmd setting.
                And last is LANG environment valiable for Linux.
              -For each file, use CPUS/CPLC/CPAS and FNU8/FNLC/FNAS option
               on Edit/Browse cmd.

      -wxxxx       :Work dir name. It overrides "export xe=xxxx".
      -y:x and -n:x:Toggle Set(-y) and Reset(-n) option
                   :(default is in parenthesis)
          x=a (-na):ASCII only(-ya) or Accept Ctrl char(-na)
                    Valid_Ctrl_char option on INI file is ignored
                    when -ya is specified.
          x=c (-yc):add change-id-tag to modified lines
          x=d (-yd):dump when internal error detected
          x=m (-nm):Accept UTF8 byte without translate to locale code.
          x=t (-nt):Tab display or not
      -/           :End of parameter(ignore following)
                    Use to cut re-displayed command by history func.

      Other is trated as EDIt/BROwse command parameter.

      xe config.sys -t8 -yrt -nc

      Options change by exe line parameter is effective only in current
      It is not written to option save file(xe_save_).
           xe [ edit-file-name | * ] [/option /...]
                edit-file-name:go to Edit screen when specified
                * means the file/dir last closed on previous session.
                (note). If 0,1,2 or 6 is specified as edit-file-name,
                        it is treated as input to MENU panel.
                        To edit these file-name,use /B or /E option or
                        once enter to xe without edit-file-name
                        then enter "E 0" etc.
                option        :case insensitive,no sequence,
                               last effective if dup
      /B           :Browse mode open
      /C           :Codepage(Windows) or Charset(Linux)
                    See NLS support.
      /Dx[t]       :memory alloc trace+debug trace
               x   :0:no memory trace(default),1:statistic,2:to xe___.mtr
               t   :0:no debug trace(default),1:write to xe___.trc
                    ___ is dos , os2 , gcc or win.
      /E           :Edit mode open(default)
                    Use when edit file name is "0","1","2" or "6"
                    (same as menu option id).
      -Fx[t][:hosts]:x=0:FTP is not used, x=1:FTP avail(without log)
                     x=w:output ftplog, x=a:ftplog by append mode.
                    :t:debug option not to delete temp file for ftp get.
                    :hosts:hosts filename for xe.
                    Default is /F1:xehosts(xehosts on work directory)
      /H,/?        :Help
#if defined(W32)
      /Hnn         :Screen height. max is screen buff size.
                    Use when screen height and screen buffer size is not
                    same on DOS prompt under Windows 2000.
      /I[fname]    :ini filename to be used.if not use,specify simply /I
                   :to use default values.
                   :default is xe.ini if missing this option
      /Ln          :jump to the line nn just after the file is opened.
                    this is for VC++ debugger to open by xe the file in question.
                    to use this function,setup VC++ as following.
                       register xe as tool.(Tool-->Customize-->Tool tab)
                       set argument like as "$(FilePath) /L$(CurLine)"
                       and also current dir as "$(CurDir)"
                       shortcut key is registered by Keyboard tab selecting
                       UserTool_ of Category:Tool.
      /R           :Set default drive,current directory.
                    It is set from CD,d: command on previous session.
                    Default drive is of at CD.
      /Tn          :TAB column span,default n=4

#ifdef UTF8SUPP

              UF  : Default for file text encoding.
              UN  : Default for filename encoding

              -default encoding is set by UTF cmd, This option override the UTF cmd setting.
              -About file text encoding.
               CPU8/CPLC optionon Edit/Browse file/directory cmd is save to profile.
               Priority among those setting are as following.
                open cmd option->profile->cmdline option->UTF8 cmd setting.
                And last is LANG environment valiable for Linux.

      /Wxxxx       :Work dir name(alternative of SET xe=xxxx)
                    c:\xe_wd except UNIX when no env var nor /W specified.
      /Y:x and /N:x:Toggle Set(/Y) and Reset(/N) option
                   :(default is in parenthesis)
          x=a (/Na):ASCII only(/Ya) or Accept Ctrl char(/Na)
                    Valid_Ctrl_char option on INI file is ignored
                    when /Ya is specified.
          x=c (/Yc):add change-id-tag to modified lines
          x=d (/Yd):dump when internal error detected
          x=l (/Yl):LFN usage.(GCC version only)
          x=n (/Nn):No DBCS input process(WIN version only)
          x=r (/Nr):Use Right-Ctrl key as Execute key
          x=rr(/Nrr):Use Right-Ctrl key as Next line key(effective only when Rctl ON)
          x=t (/Nt):Tab display or not
      //           :End of parameter(ignore following)
                    Use to cut re-displayed command by DOSKEY etc.

      Other is trated as EDIt/BROwse command parameter.

      xe config.sys /T8 /Yrt /Nc

      Options change by exe line parameter is effective only in current
      It is not written to option save file(XE!SAVE!).