- Long line.
     .Long line over 32760(999 for DOS version) bytes is displayed as
      multiple split line.
     .Long line is saved as long line.No intermediate cr+lf is
     .Insert/Copy line operation dose not split line,but inserted
      line is a part of long line.
     .Split line as source of copy operation is treated as split.
     .To split to 2 lines ,use Split-Line key at the end of any line.
     .Different display char of line number column delimitter to
      identify each spiltted line updated.
     .CID is added on end of last of split lines.
     .Join line cmd(j)  treat split lines as a line upto CRLF.
     .Split line is seperated to multiple line by SPLit cmd.
      SPLit cmd allow splitting char to specify word boundary to split.