- Command-Key.
     .F1 to F12 which is not assigned to any function is available for
      Command-Key.Command-Key setup is on the screen from menu 0.1.
     .Multiple command is delimited by ";". Last ";" mean execute each
      command  sequentialy when Fn key pressed. If command string dose
      not end with ";",command string is set to command line.
      Those are executed by next Execute key. Long command over width
      of command input field is avail.
     ..Available command list is on [Table-1]. When command verb is not
      assigned you can set it by INI file.
      Use POS command for cursor movement. Starting cursor position is
      top of command input column.
      Use KEY command for char input. Input on command input field is not
      effective. To execute line command input on lineno field,ENT command
      is to be followed after KEY command.
     .Parameter replacement using %1,%2,... is supported.
      It is replaced by pre-entered words on command input field.
     .ex) pos 3,1;key d3;ent;
          pos 10,hsp;=6;grep %1 *.c;
#ifdef LNX
     .Do not assign from Alt+F1 to Alt+F6 which is used as Console
      switch key.