  * 0.0 Color  *

          0        1         2         3         4         5           8
     1    OPTION - 1 ---- COLOR ----------------------------....----Rep
     2    ===>
     4    *Palette number assign (0 to 15) ****************....********
     5       Part of screen  palette no.             sample
     6                       FG / BG (curr.,default)
     7       Title-Line      __ / __ (15/ 1, 15/ 1 ) ------- MENU -------
     8       Panel-Frame     __ / __ ( 7/ 0,  7/ 0 ) ===>command line etc
     9       Browse-Lineno   __ / __ ( 2/ 0,  2/ 0 ) 0001000| Browse  scr
    10       Browse-File     __ / __ ( 7/ 0,  7/ 0 )
    11       Edit-Lineno     __ / __ ( 2/ 0,  2/ 0 ) 0001000| Edit    scr
    12       Edit-File       __ / __ (14/ 0, 14/ 0 )
    13       DirList-Linecmd __ / __ (14/ 0, 14/ 0 ) 003|||. DIRLIST  EXE
    14       DirList-Lineno  __ / __ ( 2/ 0,  2/ 0 )
    15       DirList-File    __ / __ ( 7/ 0,  7/ 0 )
    16       CmdOut-Lineno   __ / __ ( 2/ 0,  2/ 0 ) 19:55 ===>> dir
    17       CmdOut-Result   __ / __ (15/ 8, 15/ 8 )  Volume in drive G h
    19    *Palette color (0 to 3 for R G B each). MAXCOLOR=16. *********
    20       Palette  -->  0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8.... 14  15
    21       color    -->
    22       RGB value-->000 ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___....___ __
    23       current  -->000 002 020 022 200 202 210 222 111....220 333
    24       standard -->000 002 020 022 200 202 210 222 111....331 333

#ifdef AIX
        AIX version is mono-color,colors is not set.

       row 1     :Header,message display line
       row 2     :Command input line
       row 4-17  :Palette number assign part
       row 7-17  :palette number input line
                 -Assign a palette number from 0 to 15 to each part
                  of panel.
                 -Duplication is allowed.
                 -Color actualy displayed by the palette-no is changed
                  by RGB color level specified in "Palette color" part.
                 -Screen part ID list.
                  Specify FG and BG for each part,FG is for color of
                  character,BG is for background color.
                  .Title-Line     :title line(1st line,1st line of
                                   active if screen split)
                  .Panel-Frame    :other than else.
                  .Browse-Lineno  :line-no field of browse screen.
                  .Browse-File    :file contents field of browse screen
                  .Edit-Lineno    :line-no field of edit screen.
                  .Edit-File      :file contents field of edit screen
                  .DirList-Linecmd:line command input field of dir list
                                   screen(It is also used for input
                                   directive of this panel)
                  .DirList-Lineno :line-no field of dir list screen
                  .DirList-File   :file list field of dir list screen
                  .CmdOut-Lineno  :line-no field and command echo line of
                                   command result edit screen
                  .CmdOut-Result  :command output lines of cmd result
                                   edit screen
           col 20-21 :foreground color input field
           col 25-26 :background color input field
#ifdef LNX
                      PaletteNo>=8 may not be used for background color.
           col 29-33 :palette number when opened this panel.
           col 36-40 :default value.
           col 43-   :sample display lines.
                      Change takes effect at first when Execute key is
                      entered after input palette number.
                      F3(End) propagate the change,F1(Cancel) reset
                      the change and restore the value before panel open
                      (it is diplayed on column 29-33).
       row 19-24 :Palette color part.
#ifdef UNX
    #ifdef LNX
       row 21    :0-7:color is displayed on background.
                 :8-15:color is displayed on foreground.
       row 21    :color display line for all palette number( 0 to 15).
       row 22    :Palette color RGB level input fields.
                 -3 digit(R(ed),G(reen),B(lue) from left) color level,
                  4 level(0 to 3) for each color.
                  Color register value for each level is
                  0:00H, 1:15H, 2:2aH, 3:3fH.
                 -RGB=000(Black) is fixed to palette number 0,
                  it is not allowed to input to palette number 0 and
                  to assign RGB=000 to palette number 1 to 15.
                 -Pressing execute key after input RGB level take effect
                  imediately not only to color display on row 21 but also
                  to all panel.
                 -"Next Value"(Shift + Down-arrow)/"Prev Value"(Shift +
                  Up-arrow) take same effect as increasing/decreasing RGB
                  level then pressing Execute key.
                 -F3(End) leave change,F1(Cancel) restore RGB value
                  before opened this panel(values on row 23).
       row 23    :RGB level value at opened this panel.
       row 24    :default RGB level.
#ifdef UNX
   (note).Delete file xe_save_ on work directory if screen had become to
          hard to see. It reset to default color.
          gxe use xe_save_.xxe as save file.
   (note).Delete file XE!SAVE! on work directory if screen had become to
          hard to see.It reset to default color.
          Default color of each palette-no is as following.
           palette  color-no color     : palette  color-no color
               0     0(000)  black     :     8    56(111)  grey
               1     1(002)  blue      :     9    57(113)  pale blue
               2     2(020)  green     :    10    58(131)  pale green
               3     3(022)  light blue:    11    59(133)  pale light blue
               4     4(200)  red       :    12    60(311)  pale red
               5     5(202)  purple    :    13    61(313)  pale purple
               6    20(210)  brown     :    14    62(331)  pale yellow
               7     7(222)  white     :    15    63(333)  brightend white
         .Light blue is used by MKK(Japanese Front End Processor of PCDOS),
          it is hard to see text if you use that as FG color.
         .Palette color change is not effective under OS/2 window mode,
          Setting color RGB level cause different color displaying
          between full-screen-mode and window-mode.
          Palette color change is not available for also WIN version.
         .RGB level of each color register number is as following.
          (4 level for each RGB. 0:00H, 1:15H, 2:2aH, 3:3fH)
          color-no                    RGB level
          00-03: 000(black)    002(blue)    020(green)      022(l-blue)
          04-07: 200(red)      202(purple)  220(yellow)     222(white)
          08-11: 001(d-blue)   003(b-blue)  021             023(greenblue)
          12-15: 201           203          221             223
          16-19: 010(d-green)  012          030(b-green)    032(sky blue)
          20-23: 210(brown)    212          230             232
          24-27: 011(d-l-blue) 013          031(bluegreen)  033(b-l-blue)
          28-31: 211           213          231             233
          32-35: 100(d-red)    102          120(yellowgreen)122
          36-39: 300(b-red)    302(d-pink)  320(gold)       322
          40-43: 101(d-purple) 103(violet)  121             123
          44-47: 301(purplered)303(b-purple)321             323
          48-51: 110(d-yellow) 112          130             132
          52-55: 310           312          330(b-yellow)   332
          56-59: 111(grey)     113(p-blue)  131(p-green)    133(p-l-blue)
          60-63: 311(p-red)    313(p-purple)331(p-yellow)   333(b-white)
                   p-:pale, d-:dark, l-:light, b-:brightened