#ifdef UNX
   = ATTrib  mode name [name...]
               mode:ooo , oooo or oooxx format.
               oooo:first "o" is setuid(4),setgid(2),sticky(1).
                        last 3 "o" is for usual permission,owner,group
                        and others.
               ooo :permission only. no effect for setuid(4),setgid(2),sticky(1).
               oooxx:ooo is usual permission, xx is uSgt.
                     u:setuid, S:setuid+setgid, g:setgid, t:sticky.
               See help msg by attr command with no operand.
          (Note)File of FAT drive mounted may not be changed.
   = ATTrib  [{+|-|/}{a|s|h|r}...] name [name...]
               a:Archive s:System h:Hidden r:Read only
                 You can specify flag continuously like as +sh -a+shr.
               + :add the attribute
               - :reset the attribute
               / :set to the attribute
                  specify "/" only to reset all attribute.
               ex.  +sh , -a+shr , /ar
               sub directory attr is not changed when wild-card used.
               member file attr is not changed but directory attr is
               changed when directory is specified.