= DEL command.

             Same as DROp cmd under edit pannel, else treated as file
             DEL cmd.

   = DELete file-spec [file-spec...] [/s] [/h] [/d] [/a]

       (Delete file or files in the directory, Use XDD to delete the directory)

       /s   delete also system file.
       /h   delete also hidden file.
       /d   delete also sub-directory.
       /a   delete also specified directory itself.

#ifdef UNX
            Hidden attribute is for files with name starting ".".
            System attribute is for files without W-permission.
            For root user System attribute is ignored.
               File with hidden or system attr is not found when
               /h or /s option is not specified.
               (xdd command ignore these 2 attribute).
               deletion continue until error is detected
               when multiple files specified.
               directory member is deleted in the order of name seq.
               process stop when detected read-only file/directory.
               confirmation required when directory or wild card is
               specified,execute deletion after all input confirmation.