= DOS command.

#ifdef LNX
        [ DOS | > ]  [dos-command-string | sh  [terminal options] ] ]
        [ DOS | > ]  [dos-command-string | CMD [ row [col] ] ]

             You can enter DOS,OS/2 command from command input line.
             Sub shell screen is displayed if dos-command-string is
             omitted.(it end by EXIT command).
             *\ , **\ , ^*\ , :: is avalable for special path notation.
             Enclose by double quotation if it is required as not path
             but command parameter.
#ifdef LNX
  #ifdef XXE
             Especially,specify sh to open async terminal window.
             Terminal emulator gnome-terminal and konsole is searched
             in this sequence. If found select it or else use xterm.
             That is customized by ini file.
             If with no operand or operand is "sh",child window is
             opened synchronously.
             Terminal program is determined same way.
             Especially,specify sh to open async terminal window.
             Same emulator is selected as gxe started.
             If triger is not terminal,gnome-terminal is selected.
             If with no operand or operand is "sh",child window override
             the current window.
             With no operand case(back to the parent by exit cmd),
             the child shell pgm is set on ini file.
             Default is bash if dash found,else sh.
             Dash is slinked from sh at kubuntu,bash is target on RH9 and FC5.
             Especially,specify CMD to create async DOS prompt process,
             and buffsize(row and col) parm is avail under windows2000.
              DOS(>) can be omitted on the Command Rresult Edit screen.
             see (5).DOS command.