= Execute edit command file.

        EXE  [!] { * | ^* | filename } [parm-1,...] [.lab1 .lab2]
                   [< {@parmfile | [S] wildcard  [D[+]] ]

         !       :execute all cmd in the file ignoring each cmd error.
                  ! is specified each line in the cmd file.
         *       :execute command in the currently displayed file.
         ^*      :execute command file opened in the other side of
                  split screen.
         filename:file contains edit commands.
                  accept notation *\, ^*\ or :: etc.
                  comment line is start by "#".
                  "#" after ";" also start comment description.
         parm-n  :parms replace %1--%9 in the command file.
        .lab1/2 :limit line range using label line cmd or lineno.
                  ex) EXE * .from .to; EXE ^* .120 .130
         Parameters after "<" enable to repeat the EXE cmd until all entry are exausted.

         @parmfile :Repeat for each line of the parmfile.
         S         :S means select and used on the dir-list panel.
                    Each filename(with out path) corresponding to the wildcard is the last parameter to the EXE cmd.
         wildcard  :Without "S",fullpath name corresponding to the wildcard is the last parameter
                    of each repetation.
         D[+]      :By default,sub dir is not selected.
                    D : select directory entry only, D+:select all entry including directory.

            One supposed usage is change the word in all files in the directory at once.
            ex) File execmdf contains following 3 lines.
                       s "%3"
                       c %1 %2 all
                Enter  "exe ! execmdf FROM TO <s *.c" on dir-list panel.
                EXE cmd executes Select/Change/End to all *.c file in this directory.
                If "!" is not specified,repetation stop at the file which dose not contains the word FROM.
                To abridge cmd input,you may register this exe cmd in =0.1 panel.
                For ex,enter "chd exe ! execmdf %1 %2 <s *.c" on =0.1 panel.
                "chd FROM TO" on cmd line do the same thing.
            When setupping EXE cmd file,you should consider that file name may have embedding space.
            EXE cmd log remains on ::#exe.

        -Command is optionally logged to file "::cl" by "OPT CMDLOG [ON|OFF]"
         ::cl may be used to create EXE cmd file.
         (for OS/2 or GCC,once close by "OPT CMDLOG OFF",then open ::cl)

        -AT and SLEep command is not avail in the file.

         -sample command file
                reset x
                x all
                i %1 all
                i %2 all
                del x all
                s %3