= File line sort
SORt n[-[m]][/[b][c][d][i][r]] [n[-[m]]...] [NX] [NB] [D[S|I|X]] [SBCS] [.lab1 .lab2]
SORt [/o]{N|T|S}[-]
2nd format is to sort dirlist.
If Bounds is set move the margin only.
Collating sequence is by UCS code for UTF8 file.
-n[-[m]] is sort key,up to 5 keys allowed.
n : sort key start at column n and length is 1.
n- : sort key start at column n and length is 32760.
n-m : sort key is from column n to column m.
-follow option just after each key. ex) 10-20/r
b :check duplicated key line.
c :Case Sensitive. This is default.
d :check key break line.
i :Case Insensitive.
r :reverse sequence
-NX :Sort displayed lines(Not eXcluded) only.
-NB :Ignore Bounds setting(move whole line).
-D[S|I|X]:Treatement of DBCS split by key position specification for UTF8 file.
S: assume as " "(space)
I: include split left or right byte
X: exclude the split char
-SBCS :No consideration to DBCS on BNDs boundary.
-.lab1/2:Limit sort line range using a pair of label
on lineno column. line number may be used so as to
limit line range with no label on lineno column.
-/ox[-] :x=N:nameSeq, x=T:timestampSeq, x=S:sizeSeq,