= Submit file.

        SUBmit  [* | file-name [*] ] [parms,...]
                        [<input-redirect-file-name] [>output-redirect-file-name]

            -Specify filename to submit file other than currently editting.
             If PATH environment variable is not properly setup,it should be
             contain path information. *\ , ^*\ , :: is available in these case.

            -The 1st "*" parameter means the file currently editting is executed,
             use when parms is also required.
             If no additional parm required enter "SUB" simply.
             For TSO file,"SUB" execute the JCL file on the remote system.

            -The 2st "*" parameter means the file currently editting is passed to
             the 1st parameter file.("*" is replaced by the file name).
             To pass the character "*",enclose it by quotation.
             When the opened file is updated,the contents are saved to a temporary file,
             then the temporary file name is passed to the 1st operand file.
             This is convenient in the case of repeated submit with a little update
             and finaly cancel update.
             ex.) "SUB subtool *".
             To pass the original filename use "**" as parameter.
             ex.) "SUB subtool * **"
             To pass "**" itself enclose it by quotation.

            -If the file is (member of) remote TSO dataset,parameters except filename
             is ignored.
             Enter "SUB" on the panel the file opened.
             Or on any panel, enter "SUB filename".
             Filename format is dest:'DSN(MEMB)'.
             If the opened file is updated,the contents are send to TSO dataset,
             'XE3270.TEMP.SUBMIT' as default, the TSO SUBMIT cmd is issued.
             Allocate this Sequential Dataset beforehand.
             Or you can specify other Dataset(Member) by SUBMITWORK= statement on ::xe3270cfg

            -To protect HUNG by stdin input wait issued by submitted file,
             there are some case "<NUL" ("</dev/null under UNX) is appended as default
             when input redirect is not specified.
             Those cases are output redirect is specified or SUB on =6 screen etc.