||*CID:||+v927R~:  2014/02/14                        update#=  138;
*File print utility : XPRINT

This is a file print utility with following characteristic.
    (related option parameter is in parenthesis)
  - Multiple file print
      support directory or wildcard file specification using *,?(hidden file
      will be printed),indirect file which contain file name to be printed(Yi),
      or stdin input is available.
      File print sequence control(/O),file selection by timestamp(/D)
      is available. You can select updated file only using file archived
      To save paper use option of no page eject at end of file(/Yv)
      for print directory with many small files.
      Under OS/2;output may be multiple job(/Yj),document name is set
      (/Yd).You can delete or change priority etc. on printer object folder.
  - File time stamp and total page-number on page header.
  - Char pitch and Line pitch(/C,/L,/E).
      Char pitch is determined by max column(/C) and form type(/E).
      When /C is not specified,it is determined by the longest line of
      the file and form type selecting the smallest pitch in order to
      print the longest in a line.(see also discription of parm /E)
      You can also control line pitch(/L) or Font style(/F).
      Use printer command file when pitch control is not appropriate for
      your printer.
      For Win version,any value is avail for CPI/LPI,and CPI/LPI is cal-
      culated from chars per line and lines per page if no CPI/LPI is
  - Double page(2 pages per a sheet) print support.
  - Output page range,print restart file name(/P).
      Useful when paper jammed.
  - Input range by line-No(/I) or offset(/Ix).
      Use for file partial print.
  - Descendant page sequence print(/Yp).
      Useful for printer which put page on stack with face up.
  - DBCS control(/M).
      Check validity of DBCS second byte.
      Always print second byte on same line as first byte.
      Kanji code of file must be Shift-JIS code set.
  - Dump mode print(/M).
      Print replacing unprintable char by "." under the specified char
  - Skim mode print(/M).
      Print skimmed printable char only to check binary file.
  - Fixed Record Length fil print(/R).
      Line feed not by CRLF but by record-size specified.
  - Variable Record Length file print(/V).
      Record header format supported is as following.
      2 byte/2 byte(containing header length or not),RDW(4 byte LLZZ),
      Microfocus(2 byte/4 byte is determined by top record of the file).
      Record header is printed by /Mtx option,
      or by /EOLPRINT when text mode.
  - Hex dump print(/M,/Y6,/R).
      32/16 byte width(horizontal)
      or record-size width(3 line virtical).
  - Print UTF8 encoded file.
  - Print EBCDIC encoded file by codepage parameter..

      There are 2 binaries for Linux.
        xprint:Text output. Use xprint.sh to enq to printer-Q.
               UTF8 is converted the locale code page.
        gxp   :Gnome print. Enq to default printer.
               Pitch is not fixed,Color Density is changable.