.v128 <--v127S:(2015/03/14)
       -(Win)Copy command(XCOpy and "c" directory line command) failes
        if the directory contains special file name such as prn or com1.
        Especially hung for AUX and COMx.
        (Waring) xe is now able to process reserved filename,
                 but when external cmd such as grep is used on =6 panel,
                 you may need to break(Ctrl+C) xe session.
                 For wxe, use Ctrl+C on DOS prompt:xesyscmd
                 to break command response wait.
                 The cmd may waiting user interaction,
                 use Ctrl+C in that case.
       -(Win)New file created by SELect command was inserted to TOP
        of the directory list.
       -XMOve cmd ignores /y (replace same name)
  .Summary of update of V127
       -Symbolic Link(JunctionPoint/MountPoint also for Windows) consideration.
       -RECFM=V support.
       -(LNX)gtk3 support.
       -Supports Ctl+W(copy string to command line) also on dir-list.
       -(Win)display Filename of foreign language by unicode.
       -FINd cmd, new option "U4" to search not 2 byte ucs but 4 byte ucs
       -For PuTTY 0.63, additional function key by modifier+Fn key combination.
       -Expanded record display width from 9999 to 32760.