
       Called from sample stating shell xekt,xext and xegt to get distribution ID.
       from /etc/issue.
       DistributionID is used as suffix of env-data-file like as xelnxkey.rh9.

       0002|# get Linux Distribution id and version from /etc/issue
       0003|# and set it to $DISTVER
       0005|DVER=`grep release /etc/issue` # like as "Red Hat Linux release 9 (Shrike)"
       0006|if [ x"$DVER" = x ]; then      #not found
       0007|    echo "xegetdv:No distribution ID Line found from /etc/issue, assumed \"sw3\"."
       0008|    DID=sw3                    #my Slackware
       0010|#   declare -a DVWORDS             # define array
       0011|#   DVWORDS=($DVER)                # assign to array
       0012|#sw3 dose not support array
       0013|    DVER=`echo $DVER`              #reduce space,drop top and tail space
       0014|    DIST=${DVER%% *}               #get distribution id(top word)
       0015|    VER=${DVER#*release }          #cut top "*release "
       0016|    VER=${VER%% *}                 #get ver(top word)
       0017|#   echo $DIST
       0018|#   echo $VER
       0019|#   case ${DVWORDS[0]} in
       0020|    case $DIST         in
       0021|#     Red*)    DID=rh${DVWORDS[4]}  ;;     #Red Hat
       0022|      Red*)    DID=rh$VER           ;;     #Red Hat
       0023|#     Turbo*)  DID=tb${DVWORDS[2]}  ;;     #TurboLinux release 6.0 WorkStation (Shiga)
       0024|      Turbo*)  DID=tb$VER           ;;     #TurboLinux release 6.0 WorkStation (Shiga)
       0025|      *)      echo "xegetdv:No distribution ID found from /etc/issue ( " $DVER " ),assumed \"rh9\"."
       0026|              sleep 2
       0027|              DID=rh9
       0028|    esac
       0031|#echo $DID