      Translation file for the case telnet from Linux.
      Almost linux key combination is translated by internal default table,
      but for the case shell "xegt" is used to telnet from gnome-terminal
      this file is required.
      xegt use xmodmap because gnome-terminal dose not check X resource.
      xegt bind F13<-->F20 to other key combination such as Shift+Return.
      Then translate string generated by F13<-->F20 along this translation
      Use --k option like as "xe --kxeaixkey.rh9".

      [section] is to limit translation to the xe.
      For ex.,lines in the [kterm] section is applyed to kterm only.
      xe,as default,determins section name from terminal emulator name.
      To use other section different from terminal emulator,Setup env-var
      XETERM. For ex.,"export XETERM=myterm" correspond to [myterm]
      section in the translation file.
      [common] section is applyed to all the case.

        0003|# Key & EscString mapping table for xe under RedHat v9
        0004|#        Usage: xe --kthis.file
        0005|#   for telnet by TeraTerm
        0006|#   for telnet from linux
        0007|#       xe defines default for gnome-terminal/xterm/kterm.
        0008|#       see it by xekbchk utility,the specify additional key-string conbination.
        0009|#       for the key terminal simulator dose not generate,
        0010|#       setup by xrdb linux utility.(see xelnxe.doc or xelnxj.doc for japanese)
        0011|#   [section]:section is terminal simulator name,[common] is for all type.
        0012|#             XETERM environment valiable is used if it is set.
        0013|#             Or,simulator anme is checked,gnome-terminal/xterm/kterm is supported.
        0014|#             for others,it use terminal name of TERM environment variable
        0024|[xeterm]          # e.g for XETERM=xeterm case
        0026|[RH9]             # used when "export XETERM=RH9"
        0027|  KeyString:  Insert    =^[[2~       #assigned F20 to S+Insert    by xmodmap
        0028|  KeyString:  Delete    =^[[3~       #assigned F18 to S+End       by xmodmap
        0029|  KeyString:  PageUp    =^[[5~       #assigned F17 to S+Prior     by xmodmap
        0030|# for the case telnet from "xegt"
        0031|# F15-F20 is assinged to following key using xmodmap by "xegt"
        0032|  KeyString:S+BackSpace =^[[28;2~    #assigned F15 to S+BackSpace by xmodmap
        0033|  KeyString:S+Enter     =^[[29;2~    #assigned F16 to S+Return    by xmodmap
        0034|  KeyString:S+Insert    =^[[34;2~    #assigned F20 to S+Insert    by xmodmap
        0035|  KeyString:S+End       =^[[32;2~    #assigned F18 to S+End       by xmodmap
        0036|  KeyString:S+PageUp    =^[[31;2~    #assigned F17 to S+Prior     by xmodmap
        0037|  KeyString:S+PageDown  =^[[33;2~    #assigned F19 to S+Next      by xmodmap