3.Preview dialog (Setup print)
  -Popup help support by right button.
   .Size        :select form size
   .Landscape   :use form as landscape.
   .Margin      :Left,Right,Top,Bottom margin, unit is mm.
#ifdef XXE
                 0 means default value displayed lower part.
                 Default is shown bellow of this widget.
                 For the case printing on papersize:B5 without changing printer setting,
                 Shift amount can be specified like as 3510.
                 ex) Top:3510 means shifting 35mm upward with 10mm:top margin.
   check page on the preview area.
#ifdef WXE
   .Style       :font face name
   .H           :font height
   .W           :font width
#else   //XXE
                :Result of selection by FontDialog is displayed,
                 push FontChange button to change screen font.
   .Col/Row by Cell-H/W:determine max columns and max lines of print
                        page by width and height of text box(cell).
   .Cell-H      :height of text box
   .Cell-W      :width of text box
   .MaximumCell-H:limit the cell height for the case Col and Row is 0
                  to protect too large font is used for the file
                  all line is short.
                  Effective only when Col?Row by Cell-H/W is off.
   .Col         :max column of the page
                 use length of the longest line of the file if 0 specified.
                 If "Col/Row by Cell-H/W" is checked on,this value is
                 effective when that is smaller than it.
   .Row         :max line of the page.
                 If 0 is specified,it is determined by form size,
                 form orientation and font height-width rate.
                 If "Col/Row by Cell-H/W" is checked on,this value is
                 effective when that is smaller than it.
   .LineNumber  :print line number on the left.
   .2p          :print 2 page per 1 sheet. Intermediate column can be set.
   .Header      :print header line(file name)
   .FileTime    :print file time stamp on the header line.
   .Footer      :print footer line(page seq number).
   .Systime     :print current time on the footer line.
   .WWScrPrt    :For PrtScr(HardCopy),keep the rate of application
                 window size and screen size on paper.
                 If WWScrPrt is off,vertical or horizontal size is expanded
                 to paper boundary.
                 For fileprint, insert DBCS padding space.
                 (for GB18030 4 byte dbcs or EUC 3 byte DBCS)
   .FullPage    :Ignore font height-width rate and fill whole page,
                 for file print or hardcopy with WWScrPrt off.  -Preview
#ifdef XXE
   .Ligature    :gxe accept printing with ligature option.
   .page        :Enter page number to be previewed.
                 When Preview-Print is pushed, file name,page count,
                 file line count,column of the longest line,
                 max column and lines of page are displayed.
   .Print       :start preview.
   .NP          :preview next page.
   .PP          :preview previous page.
   .PrtScr      :preview hardcopy.
   .Print       :Print file
#ifdef XXE
                 Specify print page number on Edit box if not print all page.
                 ex) 4,8,10-14,18-
   .PrtScr      :print hardcopy
   .OK          :Save setup value without print.
   .Cancel      :Exit without saving setup value,print is not done.