= # command
        .no [n][,b][.s] parameter is supported
        .2 option is avail. set after the "#".
         ^ : execute those command on the other side of split screen.
         ! : continue to next line command even if command rc!=0

        .ex) execute command on the line from 56 to 58.
             command applyed on the other side of screen and ignores
             return code of each command.
             in this example,this file is ::cl(command log) and
             timestamp field is ignored.(ignore upto next "=" if column.1 is "=")

            0055|=20:50:17.937:s file1
            ##^ |=20:50:23.828:i word1 -m all
            0057|=20:50:56.953:i word2 -m all
            ##! |=20:51:00.484:i wodr3 -m all