- ADS(Alternative Data Stream).
     .NTFS supports multiple data stream attached to each file/dir.
      Accessed by naming convention of file-name:stream-name,
      echo command will create stream like as
        echo "text" > abc.ext:stream1 (1 byte base name may be error)
      dir command or explorer cannot display stream.
      cat command if you have display the stream contents like as
        cat abc.ext:stream1.
      To delete ADS(ADS size cannot be reduced) copy the file to
      not NTFS volume then CopyBack after deleted the file.
     .If ADS exist,S+F10 display top 47 bytes of ADS on dir-list panel.
      /Md option of Edit/Browse command also display ADS at open dir-list.
      If no ADS exist,top 48 byte of the file is displayed.
     .Utility xads.exe supports to check and access ADS.