#if defined(LNX) || defined(W32)

   = TSO  hostid { Quit | Logon [FS|FS3|FST] | Logoff | Cancel | {Reply|TSO|Action} ["text..."]
                          | { Alloc|Free|SPF } DataSet [alloc/SPF options] }

       quit  :terminate xe3270.
              If this command is not effective,kill it by tool xkp.exe.
       Logon :TSO Logon.
              This is not needed at normal case,Logon is automaticaly done
              at first Edit/Browse command to the destination.
              When used on =6 panel,the panel switches to TSO mode.
              With FS option,output of TSO command is displayed by full screen mode.
       Logoff:Do TSO logoff and termination of 3270 session.
              Use this to release TSO UserID and 3270 session.
              When used on =6 panel,the panel switches to local mode.
                FS :output of TSO command is displayed by full screen mode.
                FS3:3270 keyboard mode fullscreen.
                FST:TSO  keyboard mode fullscreen.
       Cancel:Use this to release 3270 thread waiting response from 3270
              emulator. 3270 emulator process is killed.
              Or use to free thread entry when system+UserID count reached
              to maximum 10.
       Reply :Use to write on the TSO screen when "REENTER-" is issued.
              (xe automaticaly reply to REENTER caused by DSName format error)
              Note) Ensure "\n" at the end of string for Enter key.
                    S3270 accepts other special string such as
                    \t(TAB), \r(Newline), \f(Clear).
       TSO   :To enter any other TSO cmd. (Jump to cmdline then enter strings with last Enter)
              TSO SUBMIT cmd is supported by xe's SUB cmd.
                ex) TSO h01: TSO "call 'HERC01.TEST.CLIST(FOO)'"
       Action:Use to write 3270 command.
              ex) PA1 key:Action "PA 1". Enter key: Action Enter.
       Alloc :Allocate DataSet using TSO ALLOCATE command.
              Use to control exclusive access.
              Default option of TSO is DISP=OLD.
              NEW,CYL,.. option is also passed to TSO,but LRECL may not
              be supported by Turnkey MVS TSO.
       Free  :Release DataSet allocation.
       SPF   :update SPF information
              DataSet parameter is requied to specify member(wild card is accepted).
              option format is as following

               [V=xx] [M=xx] [DT0=yymmdd] [DTM=[yymmdd[hhtmss]]] [LC] [LC0[=xx]] [UID[=userid]]

               V  :Version number(<100)
               M  :Modification number(<100)
               DT0:Creation date.
               DTM:Update date and time
               LC :current line count. set by reading the member.
               LC0:initial line count. if =xx is missing,current count is set.
               UID:UserID. if =userid is missing,set userid of hostid parameter.
                 ex) TSO h01: spf 'herc01.jcl.asm(memb1)' "DTM=081231101230 lc"

       - support TSO file access.
       - Same command is available from xe3270 shell screen.
       - logon cmd on =6 panel changes the panel to TSO mode.
         You can enter native MVS TSO command itself without xe TSO command prefix
         like as "listalc" and result is displayed on the screen.
         is same effect as logon to remote then open the panel shows 3270 screen.
         logoff command switches back to local command mode.
         For the case of duplcation of TSO command and xe cmd,
         use >(DOS cmd prefix) like as
             \n appended at end of the line means Enter key.
             Do not forget to append \n.
             Or follow by string \n at next.
             ex)  On =6 TSO mode panel
                       --->ENTER DATA SET NAME -
                       --->No response
                       --->(D/S Info)
         If you want to execute local command in TSO mode,put ":" as
         prefix like as ":grep ABC *.c".