= Text Flow
{TFL | TF} [width] [SBCS] [TOL] [STRDELM] [SPACE1]
['delm-chars'} [.lab1 .lab2]
width :right boundary after re-flowed.
SBCS :split DBCS on left/right boundary into 2 SBCSs.
If SBCS option is not specified,split DBCS is
replaced by 2 space.
This option is invalid for UTF8 file.
STRDELM :treat 'delm-chars' as a string to split line.
SPACE1 :shrink continued space chars into a space char.
In :Output indentation(preceding space count).
ALL :Process all paragraphs if Pn is not specified.
Overflowed data by narrow width parameter may override
the line of the next paragraph.
EACH :Process all paragraphs if Pn is not specified.
Do not over flow to the next paragraph but insert lines
between each paragraph for the case narrow width
parameter is specified.
Pn :Specify the paragraph count to be processed. n=0 means all.
NOP :Ignore paragraph(Assume all lines are in a paragraph
after the end of line is determined by Pn option if specified)
All the following lines are re-flowed with the 1st line's
indentation if In is not specified.
BASE1 :Paragraph indentation base is of the 1st line.
The paragraph contains the following lines of the same
indentation as the 1st line.
If BASE1 is not specified, paragraph contains
1st line and 2nd line, and the following lines of same
indentation as 2nd line that may not be same as 1st line.
AWORD :(After Word) If space is not contained on source data
in the range of target field width,split the line
at the point of 1st space beyond the width.
SWORD :(Split Word) If space is not contained on source data
in the range of target field width,split the line
at the point of the width.
'delm-chars':Line is split at the delimiter searched.
SPLit cmd width width parameter split only once
just before the boundary of the width parameter.
TFlow cmd split each time at the point delimiter found.
Hex notation is avalable like as \x0d.
Multiple character like as \x8140 is allowed but
no DBCS consideration.
In this case this is treated as 2 SBCS charcter is specified.
.lab1/.lab2 :line range to be re-flowed.
If not specified label range,start from the line
cursor is placed.
If cursor is on the command input line start line
is the top of file.
(ex.01) Cursor position is spcecified by '_' on lineno field.
Bounds is not set,but option=f80 on the CID header line(line-0001000)
means right boundary is col.80.
(Without CID header line,you can specify margin by Fxx option of Edit command
,"e file-name f80".)
col |....+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5....+....6....+....7....+....8....
*******|********** TOP OF FILE *************************************************************
0001000|//*CID://+NONER~: option=(f80,p0) update#= 3;
_002000| added this part to test the behavior of the bnds
0003000| cmommand for
0004000| xe. i use bnds to format paragraphs
0005000| so the breakes are nice.
0006000| * * CL114
0007000| * JOB stream: job name proc name program run frequency * CL114
0008000| * -------- aaaaaa weekly. * CL114
0009000| *=================================================================* CL114
==>process one paragraph.
Line-0005000 is of next paragraph by the indentation changed.
3 line(s) processed,0 err line,delm="".1:17) ------------------------------------------------
col |....+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5....+....6....+....7....+....8....
*******|********** TOP OF FILE ***********************************************************
0001000|//*CID://+NONER~: option=(f80,p0) update#= 3;
0002000* added this part to test the behavior of the bnds cmommand for xe. i use
0003000* bnds to format paragraphs
0005000| so the breakes are nice.
0006000| * * CL114||
0007000| * JOB stream: job name proc name program run frequency * CL114||
0008000| * -------- aaaaaa weekly. * CL114||
0009000| *=================================================================* CL114||
(ex.02) For Line-Numbered-file,bounds is col.1-72 as default.
"option=(m72,n)" on CID header line indicate that.
(en command is for open line-numbered-file. "en file-name").
col |....+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5....+....6....+....7....+....8
*******|********** TOP OF FILE *********************************************************
0001000|//*CID://+NONER~: option=(m72,n,p0) update#= 11; 00010001
_002000| ws-ini-key w 64 a 00020002
0003000| ws-ini-key-tag ws-ini-key 4 a value 'key:' 00030002
0003010| ws-ini-key-data ws-ini-key .4 60 a 00031002
0003020| field-name w 60 a 00032002
0003030| field1-value w 60 a 00033002
==>col.73-80 is out of re-flowing area.
Line-0003000 is 2nd line of 1st paragraph and the indentation is of the paragraph.
The following line with same indentation(Line-0003010) as 2nd line are contained
in the paragraph. Line-0003020 is the 1st line of the 2nd paragraph.
3 line(s) processed,0 err line,delm="".9:26) -----------------------------------------------
col |....+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5....+....6....+....7....+....8....
*******|********** TOP OF FILE *************************************************************
0001000|//*CID://+NONER~: option=(m72,n,p0) update#= 11; 00010001
0002000* ws-ini-key w 64 a ws-ini-key-tag ws-ini-key 00020002
0003000* 4 a value 'key:' ws-ini-key-data ws-ini-key .4 60 a 00030002
0003020| field-name w 60 a 00032002
0003030| field1-value w 60 a 00033002
*******|********** END OF FILE *************************************************************
(ex.03) When Bounds is set different from the margin.
Boundary is indicated by the difference of color(This document can not show that).
BND command in this example is to show bounds setting and need not enter each time.
===>bnds;bnds 9 70;tf
col |....+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5....+....6....+....7....+....8...
*******|********** TOP OF FILE ************************************************************
_002000* added this part to test the behavior of the bnds aaaaaaaaaa
0003000* command for aaaaaaaaaa
0004000* xe. i use bnds to format paragraphs aaaaaaaaaa
0005000* so the breakes are nice. aaaaaaaaaa
0006000| * * CL114
0007000| * JOB stream: job name proc name program run frequency * CL114
0008000| * -------- --------- --------------------------- * CL114
==>Just before the right boundary at least one space is required after re-flowed.
3 line(s) processed,0 err line,delm="".1:19) --------------------------------------------------
col |....+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5....+....6....+....7....+....8...
*******|********** TOP OF FILE ************************************************************
0002000* added this part to test the behavior of the bnds command for aaaaaaaaa
0003000* xe. i use bnds to format paragraphs aaaaaaaaa
0004000* aaaaaaaaa
0005000* so the breakes are nice. aaaaaaaaa
0006000| * * CL114
0007000| * JOB stream: job name proc name program run frequency * CL114
0008000| * -------- --------- --------------------------- * CL114
(ex.04) When width parameter used.
===>bnd ;bnd 1 28;tf 24 all
col |....+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5....+....6....+....7....+....8..
*******|********** TOP OF FILE ***********************************************************
0002000|file rep2 fb(80 27920)printer
0003000|file rep3 fb(80 27920)printer
0004000|file rep4 fb(80 27920)printer
0005000|file rep5 fb(80 27920)printer
0006000|file rep6 fb(80 27920)printer
0007000|file rep7 fb(80 27920)printer
0008000|file rep8 fb(80 27920)printer
0009000|file rep9 printer
0010000|file repa printer
0011000|job input ini finish print-tot
0012000| ws-ini-key-data = ini-key
0013000| ws-ini-key-field-name = ini-field-name
0014000* aaaaaaaaaaa bbbbbbbbbbbbbbCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC
==>ALL option is to process all paragraph.
18 line(s) processed,1 err line,delm="".:36) -----------------------------------------------
col |....+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5....+....6....+....7....+....8....
*******|********** TOP OF FILE *************************************************************
0002000*file rep2 fb(80 r
0003000*27920)printe file rep3 r
0004000*fb(80 27920)printe file r
0005000*rep4 fb(80 27920)printe r
0006000*file rep5 fb(80 r
0007000*27920)printe file rep6 r
0008000*fb(80 27920)printe file r
0009000*rep7 fb(80 27920)printe
0010000*file rep8 fb(80
0011000*27920)printe file rep9 ot
0012000*printer file repa y
0013000*printer job input ini ini-field-name
0014000*finish print-t CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC
0015000* ws-ini-key-data =
0016000* ini-ke
0017000* ws-ini-key-field-name =
0018000* aaaaaaaaaaa
0019000* bbbbbbbbbbbbbb
*******|********** END OF FILE *************************************************************
(ex.05) effect of EACH option.
===>bnd 1 28;tf 24 p3 each
col |....+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5....+....6....+....7....+....8
*******|********** TOP OF FILE *********************************************************
0001000|file rep2 fb(80 27920)printer
0002000|file rep3 fb(80 27920)printer
0003000|file rep4 fb(80 27920)printer
0004000|file rep5 fb(80 27920)printer
0005000|file rep6 fb(80 27920)printer
0006000|file rep7 fb(80 27920)printer
0007000|file rep8 fb(80 27920)printer
0008000|file rep9 printer
0009000|file repa printer
0010000|job input ini finish print-tot
0011000| ws-ini-key-data = ini-key
0012000| ws-ini-key-field-name = ini-field-name
0013000| aaaaaaaaaaa bbbbbbbbbbbbbbCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC
0015000| EEE
*******|********** END OF FILE *********************************************************
==>Different with ALL,overflowed data are inserted after the each paragraph.
See Line-0011000,"y"(outside of the right boundary) and "ws-ini-key-data ="(inside of the right boundary)
remains in the same line after re-flowed.
By the parameter "P3",Line-0015000(4'th paragraph) is out of process.
14 line(s) processed,1 err line,delm="".:43) -------------------------------------------
col |....+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5....+....6....+....7....+....8
*******|********** TOP OF FILE *********************************************************
0001000*file rep2 fb(80 r
0002000*27920)printe file rep3 r
0003000*fb(80 27920)printe file r
0004000*rep4 fb(80 27920)printe r
0005000*file rep5 fb(80 r
0006000*27920)printe file rep6 r
0007000*fb(80 27920)printe file r
0008000*rep7 fb(80 27920)printe
0009000*file rep8 fb(80
0010000*27920)printe file rep9 ot
0010100*printer file repa
0010200*printer job input ini
0010300*finish print-t
0011000* ws-ini-key-data = y
0012000* ini-ke ini-field-name
0012100* ws-ini-key-field-name =
0013000* aaaaaaaaaaa CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC
0014000* bbbbbbbbbbbbbb DDD
0015000| EEE
*******|********** END OF FILE *********************************************************
(ex.06) effect of NOP option.
===>bnds;bnds 1 40;tf p3 i4 nop
col |....+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4.
*******|********** TOP OF FILE ******************
0001000* p1 a A
0002000* p1 b A
0003000* p2 c A
0004000* p2 d A
0005000* p3 e A
0006000* p3 f A
0007000* p4 A
0008000* p4 A
*******|********** END OF FILE ******************
==>p3 limits the line range to be processed to 3 paragraph.
re-flowing process ignore the paragraph boundary.
Indentation after re-flowed can be changed by "In" option.
6 line(s) processed,0 err line,delm="".4:55) ----
col |....+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4.
*******|********** TOP OF FILE ******************
0001000* p1 a p1 b p2 c A
0002000* p2 d p3 e p3 A
0003000* f A
0004000* A
0005000* A
0006000* A
0007000* p4 A
0008000* p4 A
*******|********** END OF FILE ******************
Result of without NOP option.
===>bnds;bnds 1 40;tf p3 i4
col |....+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4.
*******|********** TOP OF FILE ******************
0001000* p1 a A
0002000* p1 b A
0003000* p2 c A
0004000* p2 d A
0005000* p3 e A
0006000* p3 f A
0007000* p4 A
0008000* p4 A
*******|********** END OF FILE ******************
6 line(s) processed,0 err line,delm="".4:55) ----
col |....+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4.
*******|********** TOP OF FILE ******************
0001000* p1 a p1 b A
0002000* p2 c p2 d A
0003000* p3 e p3 f A
0004000* A
0005000* A
0006000* A
0007000* p4 A
0008000* p4 A
*******|********** END OF FILE ******************
(ex.07) effect of BASE1 option.
===>bnds 1 40;tf p3 base1
*******|********** TOP OF FILE ******************
0001000| p0-----aa A
0002000| p0-----bb A
0003000| p1 a A
0004000| p1 b A
0005000| p2 c A
0006000| p2 d A
0007000| p3 e A
0008000| p3 f A
0009000| p4 A
0010000| p4 A
*******|********** END OF FILE ******************
==>Line-002000 and Line-003000 is in the different paragraph by BASE1 option.
4 line(s) processed,0 err line,delm="".5:21) ----
*******|********** TOP OF FILE ******************
0001000* p0-----aa p0-----bb A
0002000* p1 a A
0003000* p1 b A
0004000* A
0005000| p2 c A
0006000| p2 d A
0007000| p3 e A
0008000| p3 f A
0009000| p4 A
0010000| p4 A
*******|********** END OF FILE ******************
(ex.08) effect of AWORD/SWORD option.
===>tf 20
col |....+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4.
*******|********** TOP OF FILE ******************
0001000* aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
0002000| bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBA
0003000| cccccccccccccccccccc CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCA
0004000| dddddddddddddddddddddDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDA
0005000| eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEA
0006000* FF
*******|********** END OF FILE ******************
==>Without AWORD nor BWORD,the long line(no space in the width) is not split.
5 line(s) processed,5 err line,delm="".5:33) ----
col |....+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4.
*******|********** TOP OF FILE ******************
0001000* aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
0002000* bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBA
0003000* cccccccccccccccccccc CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCA
0004000* dddddddddddddddddddddDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDA
0005000* eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEA
0006000* FF
*******|********** END OF FILE ******************
==>With AWORD option("tf 20 aword"),the line is split at the space
just after the right boundary if exist.
5 line(s) processed,4 err line,delm="".5:33) ----
col |....+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4.
*******|********** TOP OF FILE ******************
0001000* aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
0002000* bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
0003000* cccccccccccccccccccc
0004000* dddddddddddddddddddddDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDA
0005000* eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
0006000* FF
*******|********** END OF FILE ******************
==>With SWORD option("tf 20 sword"),the line is split by the width.
col |....+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4.
*******|********** TOP OF FILE ******************
0001000* aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
0001200* AA
0002000* bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
0002200* A
0003000* ccccccccccccccccccc
0003100* c
0004000* ddddddddddddddddddd
0004200* DA
0005000* eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
0005100* eee
0006000| FF
*******|********** END OF FILE ******************
(ex.09) "delm-char" and related options.
===>bnds 1 40
*******|********** TOP OF FILE ******************
0001000| aaaaaaaa=aaaaaaaaa AAAAAAAA===AAAAAAAAA|
0002000* bbbbbbbb=: bbbbbbbb BBBBB : BBBBBBBB |
0003000* cccccccc:=cccccc := CCCCC : CCCCCCCCC|
0004000| FF |
*******|********** END OF FILE ******************
==>tf ":="
all of ":" and "=" split the line.
*******|********** TOP OF FILE ******************
0001000* aaaaaaaa= |
0002000* aaaaaaaaa AAAAAAAA= |
0003000* = |
0003100* =
0003200* AAAAAAAAA bbbbbbbb=
0003300* :
0003400* bbbbbbbb BBBBB :
0003500* BBBBBBBB cccccccc:
0003600* =
0003700* cccccc :
0003800* =
0003900* CCCCC :
0003910* CCCCCCCCC
0004000| FF |
*******|********** END OF FILE ******************
==>tf ":=" tol
TOL means split just before the delimiter.
*******|********** TOP OF FILE ******************
0001000* aaaaaaaa |
0002000* =aaaaaaaaa AAAAAAAA |
0003000* = |
0003100* =
0003200* =AAAAAAAAA bbbbbbbb
0003300* =
0003400* : bbbbbbbb BBBBB
0003500* : BBBBBBBB cccccccc
0003600* :
0003700* =cccccc
0003800* :
0003900* = CCCCC
0003910* : CCCCCCCCC
0004000| FF |
*******|********** END OF FILE ******************
==>tf ":=" strdelm
"del-chars" parameter is used as string to split the line.
*******|********** TOP OF FILE ******************
0001000* aaaaaaaa=aaaaaaaaa |
0002000* AAAAAAAA===AAAAAAAAA bbbbbbbb=: |
0003000* bbbbbbbb BBBBB : BBBBBBBB cccccccc:= |
0003100* cccccc :=
0004000| FF |
(ex.10) effect of SPACE1.
===>tf space1 all
*******|********** TOP OF FILE *********************************************************
0001000|//*CID://+NONER~: option=(m72,n,p0) update#= 11; 00010001
0002000| ws-ini-key w 64 a 00020002
0003000| ws-ini-key-tag ws-ini-key 4 a value 'key:' 00030002
0003010| ws-ini-key-data ws-ini-key .4 60 a 00031002
0003020| field-name w 60 a 00032002
0003030| field1-value w 60 a 00033002
*******|********** END OF FILE *********************************************************
==>shrink continued spaces between the word to one space.
6 line(s) processed,0 err line,delm="".9:26) -------------------------------------------
*******|********** TOP OF FILE *********************************************************
0001000*//*CID://+NONER~: option=(m72,n,p0) update#= 11; ws-ini-key w 64 a 00010001
0002000* ws-ini-key-tag ws-ini-key 4 a value 'key:' ws-ini-key-data 00020002
0003000* ws-ini-key .4 60 a 00030002
0003010* field-name w 60 a field1-value w 60 a 00031002
*******|********** END OF FILE *********************************************************