= :  行コマンド.(textFlow)

         n は行数で xx-xx[n]の形式はありません。mは整列幅(TFLowコマンドのwidthパラメータに同じ),
        .":"と";"はTFLowコマンドのNOPオプションの有無の違いです。 (";"=":"+NOP)


            col    |....+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5....+....6....+....7....+....8
            *******|********** TOP OF FILE *********************************************************
            0001000|//*CID://+NONER~:    option=(f80,p0) update#=    3;
            :      |      added this part to test the behavior of the bnds
            0003000|        cmommand for
            0004000|        xe. i use bnds to format paragraphs
            0005000|     so the breakes are nice.
            0006000|     *                                                                 *   CL114
            0007000|     *   JOB stream:   job name  proc name  program run frequency      *   CL114
            0008000*     *                 --------  AAAAAA     weekly.                    *   CL114
            0009000|     *=================================================================*   CL114

        ===> 1パラグラフを処理する

            col    |....+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5....+....6....+....7....+....8
            *******|********** TOP OF FILE *********************************************************
            0001000|//*CID://+NONER~:    option=(f80,p0) update#=    3;
            0002000*      added this part to test the behavior of the bnds cmommand for xe. i use
            0003000*        bnds to format paragraphs
            0005000|     so the breakes are nice.
            0006000|     *                                                                 *   CL114
            0007000|     *   JOB stream:   job name  proc name  program run frequency      *   CL114
            0008000*     *                 --------  AAAAAA     weekly.                    *   CL114
            0009000|     *=================================================================*   CL114


            col    |....+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5....+....6....+....7....+....8
            *******|********** TOP OF FILE *********************************************************
            0001000|//*CID://+NONER~:    option=(f80,p0) update#=    3;
            :6     |      added this part to test the behavior of the bnds
            0003000|        cmommand for
            0004000|        xe. i use bnds to format paragraphs
            0005000|     so the breakes are nice.
            0006000|     *                                                                 *   CL114
            0007000|     *   JOB stream:   job name  proc name  program run frequency      *   CL114
            0008000|     *                 --------  AAAAAA     weekly.                    *   CL114
            0009000|     *=================================================================*   CL114

        ===> 指定の行数、元の境界内(f80で設定したcol1-col80)で整形する。

            col    |....+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5....+....6....+....7....+....8
            *******|********** TOP OF FILE *********************************************************
            0001000|//*CID://+NONER~:    option=(f80,p0) update#=    3;
            0002000*      added this part to test the behavior of the bnds cmommand for xe. i use
            0003000*        bnds to format paragraphs
            0004000*     so the breakes are nice.  *
            0005000*     *   CL114 *   JOB stream:   job name  proc name  program run frequency
            0006000*     *   CL114
            0008000|     *                 --------  AAAAAA     weekly.                    *   CL114
            0009000|     *=================================================================*   CL114


            col    |....+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5....+....6....+....7....+....8
            *******|********** TOP OF FILE *********************************************************
            0001000|//*CID://+NONER~:    option=(f80,p0) update#=    3;
            :6,40  |      added this part to test the behavior of the bnds
            0003000|        cmommand for
            0004000|        xe. i use bnds to format paragraphs
            0005000|     so the breakes are nice.
            0006000|     *                                                                 *   CL114
            0007000|     *   JOB stream:   job name  proc name  program run frequency      *   CL114
            0008000|     *                 --------  AAAAAA     weekly.                    *   CL114
            0009000|     *=================================================================*   CL114

        ===> 指定の幅内に詰め込む

            col    |....+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5....+....6....+....7....+....8
            *******|********** TOP OF FILE *********************************************************
            0001000|//*CID://+NONER~:    option=(f80,p0) update#=    3;
            0002000*      added this part to test the
            0003000*      behavior of the bnds cmommand for
            0004000*        xe. i use bnds to format
            0005000*        paragraphs
            0006000*     so the breakes are nice.  *
            0007000*     *   CL114 *   JOB stream:   job
            0007100*     name  proc name  program run
            0007200*     frequency      *   CL114
            0008000|     *                 --------  AAAAAA     weekly.                    *   CL114
            0009000|     *=================================================================*   CL114


            col    |....+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5....+....6....+....7....+....8
            *******|********** TOP OF FILE *********************************************************
            0001000|//*CID://+NONER~:    option=(f80,p0) update#=    3;
            i6,40.2|      added this part to test the behavior of the bnds
            0003000|        cmommand for
            0004000|        xe. i use bnds to format paragraphs
            0005000|     so the breakes are nice.
            0006000|     *                                                                 *   CL114
            0007000|     *   JOB stream:   job name  proc name  program run frequency      *   CL114
            0008000*     *                 --------  AAAAAA     weekly.                    *   CL114

        ===> 整形後のインデンテーションを統一する。";"行コマンドと異なりパラグラフ境界は意識する。

            col    |....+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5....+....6....+....7....+....8
            *******|********** TOP OF FILE *********************************************************
            0001000|//*CID://+NONER~:    option=(f80,p0) update#=    3;
            0002000*  added this part to test the behavior
            0003000*  of the bnds cmommand for xe. i use
            0004000*  bnds to format paragraphs
            0005000*  so the breakes are nice.  *
            0006000*  *   CL114 *   JOB stream:   job name
            0007000*  proc name  program run frequency
            0007100*  *   CL114
            0008000*     *                 --------  AAAAAA     weekly.                    *   CL114
            0009000|     *=================================================================*   CL114


            col    |....+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5....+....6....+....7....+....8
            *******|********** TOP OF FILE *********************************************************
            0001000|//*CID://+NONER~:    option=(f80,p0) update#=    3;
            ::,40.2|      added this part to test the behavior of the bnds
            0003000|        cmommand for
            0004000|        xe. i use bnds to format paragraphs
            0005000|     so the breakes are nice.
            0006000|     *                                                                 *   CL114
            0007000|     *   JOB stream:   job name  proc name  program run frequency      *   CL114
            ::     *     *                 --------  AAAAAA     weekly.                    *   CL114
            0009000|     *=================================================================*   CL114


            col    |....+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5....+....6....+....7....+....8
            *******|********** TOP OF FILE *********************************************************
            0001000|//*CID://+NONER~:    option=(f80,p0) update#=    3;
            0002000*  added this part to test the behavior
            0003000*  of the bnds cmommand for xe. i use
            0004000*  bnds to format paragraphs
            0005000*  so the breakes are nice.  *
            0006000*  *   CL114 *   JOB stream:   job name
            0007000*  proc name  program run frequency
            0008000*  *   CL114 *                 --------
            0008100*  AAAAAA     weekly.
            0008200*  *   CL114
            0009000|     *=================================================================*   CL114