#if defined(LNX) || defined(W32)

          -Ligature setting.

             OPT LIGATURE [ON | OFF]

              -Ligature checkbox is added to also gxe Setup dialog.
              -Alt+";" is also assiged to toggle ON/OFF.
               Alt+";" is temporary for GUI version and checkbox status is saved.
               For Console version, A+";" status is saved to ini file.
               Command format: (reposrts current status if operand missong)

              -When Ligature is ON, character spacing depends to background(Windows,GTK,pango,ncurses).
               If On,keep monospacing.
               Try not only for European font ligature such as ff/fi,  but also RTL langauge such as Arabic.
               Combination mode by "OPT UNICOMB"(or Alt+":") may be required also additionally to Ligature ON.
              -For Editor's characteristic, Character at the byte position of the cursor is displayed at there even when Ligature ON.
               For Backspace operation, also the previous position is displayed at the point.
               When cursor is on the HEX line, corresponding position on character line is kept the byte position.
               So, for RTL(RightToLeft) language such as Hevrew,arabic...  It seems that line is split by the cyrsor.
               Though I could not read nor understand it.
              -Ligature option is ignored in the following case.
               Binary file, horizontal hex disply(EH cmd), HEX line of vertical HEX display mode, command input line.
