.VariableLengthRecord file.

     -supported record header format:
        RDW:LLZZ format(2 byte length filed+0x0000, length is containing header length),default.
        H  :2 byte LL including header length itself.
        HD :halfword LL not including header length.
        F  :fullword LL including header length itself.
        FD :fullword LL not including header length.
        MF :Microfocus convetion.
            System record at top of the file indicates header length is halfword or fullword.
            (I do not care role of system record, don't upload the file updated by xe.)

        If "record format error" is issued, check it by opening the file by EB or EH  command.
        LOCate command will moves cursor to the specified hex offset.

        "TOP OF FILE"/END OF FILE" line indicate "v" at col=4 for VRL file.

        /Mv and /Fvfmt is saved to profile.
        Once opened by Browse/Edit with these option, no need to specify it at next open.
        SAVe/CREate/REPlace/END command also save it for the output file.

     -Option parameter on each command.

        Browse /Mv  /Fvfmt
            vfmt:record header format
              ex)  B vfile /Mv /Frdw
        Edit e /Mrv /Fvfmt
            r=v:read as vfmt
            w=v:save as vfmt
              ex)  E vfile /Mv /Fh
            You can chage record mode by specifing both "r" and "w".
              ex)  E vfile /Mvr /F130 /Ff (load as vfmt=F, save as RECFM=F+LRECL=130)
            END command is also used to change record format.
        END  /Mv /Fvfmt
            Use to change record type of the file from ones of at opened.
            but new vfmt should not be MFH.
          ex)  END /Mv /Ff (Save the text file as vfmt=F file)
        SAVe filename /Mv /Fvfmt
             filename required with  /Mv or /F option.
             ex) S vfile CPEB=CP930 /Mv /Fh (save from non-EBCDIC file to EBCDIC file of vfmt=F)
                "S lctxtfile /Mt" after "E ebcvfile /Mv /Frdw CPEB=CP939" (create locale code text file from RECFM=V EBCDIC file)
        CRE/REP/APP filename /Mv /Fvfmt
             For APPend, both /M and /F is required if source and target file record type is different.
             For CREate/REPlace, source file profile is applied if /M or /F is not specified.
             ex) REP ebcvf cpeb=CP930 /Mv /Ff nx
        COPy filename /Mv /Fvfmt
         Specify record format of copy source file, which is omittable if registerd on the profile.
             ex) COPy ebcvf cpeb=CP930 /Mv /Ff
        XPR  filename [/Vvfmt|/Rlrecl]
             /V:specify format of RECFM=V file, /R:specify LRECL for RECFM=F file.
             No need to specify when registered on profile.
             And no need for printing of the opened file("XPRint *" or "XPRint **")