#if defined(W32)||defined(LNX)

   = Syntax Highlight.

        SYN [ ? | ALL | RESET | ENTER | ON [lang-type] | OFF]
             ?                 : Display help and brief current status.
             ALL               : Re-evaluation is done regardless update after previous evaluation.
             RESET             : Use to re-read config file.
             ENTER             : Set ENTER key as trigger of re-evaluation for current file on the panel.
             ON [lang-type]    : Do re-evaluation for the file.
                                 lang-type is used to change lang type of the file.
                                 To reset lang-type use "".
             OFF               : Stop syntax highlight for the file.

        "SYN ON" is done if operand missing or function key Ctrl+s is used as default assignment.

        Syntax Highlight function draw text width color and font style according to its
        language syntax such as keyword, comment etc.
        See (0)SyntaxHighlight about setup etc.
