.Terminal Emulator

     xe(console version) can access remote file without file transfer
     through terminal emulator such as PuTTY, TeraTerm.
     These emulator sends Escape-Sequence-String like as ^[11~ for corressponding
     function key operartion.
     But all modifier conbinations(Shift/Control+Fn) are not supported.
     And Esc-String varies depending tetminal type supported such as VT100, Linux.
     PuTTY with terminal type=SCO allow all Shift/Control+Fn combination.
         To inactivate this setting, use --NOSCO option.
         And SCO assigns ^[Z to S+F2, it is duplicated to previous assign ment to S+Tab.
         Use --Z2 option to use ^[Z to S+F2.
     PuTTY "The Backspace key" option should be "Control-H(0x08)"
     to distinguish from Del-key(0x7f).
     And to accept 0x7f as Del key, start xe width --7d option.
     xekbchk has also --7 option.
     "xekbchk --h" will help you.

     xe accepts EscScring of xelnxe.txt (9)-(b)"Default Esc string translation of xe".
     (You can get it by "xekbchk --smapfilename")
     To use other key tan listed bellow,
     specify keymap defined additional key according "Sample Keymap File" bellow.
     Specify it by command line like as  "xe --k::addfuncmapfile",
     or specify on "LNX_Keymap" parameter on ini file like as LNX_Keymap = ::addfucmapfile.
     For validation of your keymap file,
     check output from xekbchk after,for ex, "xekbchk --stmpf --kaddfuncmapfile".

     "Sample Kemap File"

        #start of file
          KeyString:F1       =^[[1Z~
          KeyString:S+f1     =^[aa
          KeyString:C+f1     =^[bbb
        # KeyString:A+f3     =^[^[[13~
        # KeyString:A+f3     =^[[13~
        #end of file

        Note. "^[" is notation of 0x1b.
              PuTTY sends,for ex, 0x1b.1b.5b.31.33.7e by Alt+F3.
              This pattern is 0x1b(Alt)+F3, which is not required to be registered.
              xe dose not support Multiple modifier like as A+C+Fn.