(A) Automake package installation step

    You may update configure before ./configure
        packagehelpdir   :html help install dir     (current=/usr/local/share/gnome/help/gxe)
        packagepixmapsdir:icon image install dir    (current=/usr/local/share/pixmaps/gxe)
        ./configure --bindir=PATH  for bin dir      (current=/usr/local/bin)

    (1)tar -zxvf gxe-v.rr.tar.gz    (v.rr : version)
    (2)cd gxe-v.rr
    (5)make install  (by root user or "sudo make install" on ubuntu) 

       Only following bins are installed to avoid naming contention,
       install manualy other utility as your favour.
         gxe, xe, xprint, gxp, xfc, xdc
    (6)Enter gxe on command line. 
       To check help html, enter "help" or "?" on 2nd line after (g)xe started.
       Browser will show help documents.
       To execute on remote host, ssh(d) setup may be required.
           local :/etc/ssh/ssh_config
                      set "SendEnv LANG LC_*"
                      set "AcceptEnv LANG LC_*"
                      set "X11Forwarding yes"
       To start gxe(X-appl) on remote, use -X option.
           ssh -X user@host.

(B) trouble shooting.
        tested--RH9, FC5, Kubuntu6, Ubuntu7, openSUSE10, Vine4, TurbolinuxFUJItrial
                ubuntu8, FC12

  (B1) "./configure" error

    (1) no acceptable C compiler found in $PATH
        ===> install gcc
    (2) crt1.o no such file   (Debian 4.0) 
        (suffix of development package differ for each disto)
        ===> install libglib2.0-dev
        ===> install libc6-dev (ubuntu8)
    (3) ncurses.h not found.
        ===> install ncurses-develop. 
        ===> install libncurses5-dev (ubuntu8)
    (4) cups/cups.h not found.
        ===> install cups-devel
        ===> install libgnomecups1.0.dev (ubuntu8)
        ===> install libcupsys2-dev      (ubuntu9)
    (5) No package libgnomeui-2.0 found
        No package gnome-vfs-module-2.0 found
        No package libgnomeprint-2.2 found
        ===> install libgnomeui-devel
             install libgnomeprint-devel
        ===> install libgnomeui-dev
             install libgnomeprint2.2-dev  (ubuntu8)
        (mutual dependency may start another package instalation)

  (B2) "make" error

    (1) "term.h" not found
        ===> install ncurses-develop. 
    (2) Cannot find the librarly libssl (On TurbolinuxFUJI trial version)
        ===> install openssp
    (3) Cannot find the librarly libpopt.la
        ===> install popt from ftp site
    (4) X error'BadDevice invalid or uninitialized device 168  (Ubuntu-7)
        :        major 145 .. minor 3 resource 0x00
        Failed to open Device
        ===> /etc/X11/xorg.conf was changed.

        Following lines are comment out

        ##Section "InputDevice"
        ##  Driver        "wacom"
        ##  Identifier    "stylus"
        ##  Option        "Device"        "/dev/wacom"          # Change to
        ##                                                      # /dev/input/event
        ##                                                      # for USB
        ##  Option        "Type"          "stylus"
        ##  Option        "ForceDevice"   "ISDV4"               # Tablet PC ONLY

        ##Section "InputDevice"
        ##  Driver        "wacom"
        ##  Identifier    "eraser"
        ##  Option        "Device"        "/dev/wacom"          # Change to
        ##                                                      # /dev/input/event
        ##                                                      # for USB
        ##  Option        "Type"          "eraser"
        ##  Option        "ForceDevice"   "ISDV4"               # Tablet PC ONLY

        ##Section "InputDevice"
        ##  Driver        "wacom"
        ##  Identifier    "cursor"
        ##  Option        "Device"        "/dev/wacom"          # Change to
        ##                                                      # /dev/input/event
        ##                                                      # for USB
        ##  Option        "Type"          "cursor"
        ##  Option        "ForceDevice"   "ISDV4"               # Tablet PC ONLY

                And in Section "ServerLayout"

        ##    InputDevice     "stylus" "SendCoreEvents"
        ##    InputDevice     "cursor" "SendCoreEvents"
        ##    InputDevice     "eraser" "SendCoreEvents"

    (5) /bin/sh' /usr/bin/esd: not found (Ubuntu-7)
        ===> install esound

  (B3) error at execution.

    (1)  WARNING **:Could'nt find pixmap file gxe/wxe.png
        ===> do "make install" by root user, check also install dir of (A) above.

    (2) WARNING **: IPP request failed with status 1030
        ===> setup CUPS printer. Add any supported printer type even if you have not it.

    (3) WARNING **: IPP request failed with status 1280
        ===> start service CUPS.

    (4) ??? xe:serach for gnome-terminal by "which" cmd failed ???
        ===> This is not err if  "xe: use konsole for shell terminal" is followed.
             else install gnome-terminal or konsole.

    (5) Gdk-WARNING **: gdk_property_get(): length value has wrapped in calculation (did you pass G_MAXLONG)
        ===> Ignore.
             (imlib call gdk_property_get with length=MAX_INT,callee issue warning length+3>G_MAXLONG,then use G_MAXLONG as length.)

    (6) WARNING **: failed request with status 200
        ===> Ignore.
             I do not know why, but it may be not harmfull.

    (7) GnomePrintCupsPlugin-WARNING **: failed iconv dose not support ppd character encoding: ISOLatin1, trying CSISOLatin1
        ===> Ignore.
             I do not know why, but it may be not harmfull.

    (8) WARNING ***: Owner of /tmp/xx-username is not the current user
                     Failed to initialize Panel Agent!
        ===> You changed UID number. Delete the directory in this msg.
             and /tmp/scim-panel-socket-username... of old UID.

    (9) GnomePrint-CRITICAL ... assertion face != NULL failed
        ===> This means font face name(Regular,Bold,Italic ..) is missing.
             "Regular" is appended after once change Print Font and Screen Font and save(normal exit).
             Note) xe use screen font to printScr.

    (10) xe help command fail
         (default action not defined for MIME type text/html
          On gnome desktop, it is defined in /usr/share/mime-info/gnome-vfs-keys.)
        ===> install desktop-file-utils
             /usr/share/applications/defaults.list-->/etc/gnome/defaults.list is installed.

    (11) Gtk WARNING : Cannot open display   (Debian 4.0 when started from console)
        ===> execute once `xhost +local:username`    (username is your user-id)
             (check also environment variable DISPLAY=)

    (12) Gtk WARNING : Locale not supported by C library at debian/390
        ===>add locale if setlocale failed
                 chk by "locale -a" then
                 "dpkg-reconfigure locales"

    (13)corrupted font is dislayed at debian/390
        ===>install unifont
                "aptitude install unifont"

    (14)Gconf err, scim failed to load frontend module
        ===>You may be root user and missing files in /root/gconf(d)
            Use  not "su" but "su -"  or "sudo -i" on ubuntu to change user. 

    (15)string "(As Superuser)" is appended on title line of X-appl
        when "ssh -X" to s390x.
        ===>Ignore, No permission is changed.
            I heared that "metacity" append this.
            The reason, I think, is that X-server daemon is executing as root.

    (16)corrupted font is dislayed at s390x ssh.
        ssh pass locale to remote according to AcceptEnv/SendEnv specification on /etc/ssh/ssh(d).
        ssh console show DBCS but it seems that another setup may be required for X-appl.
        ===>yum install "@Japanese Support" or yum groupeinstall "Japanese Support".
            "Japanese" may be "Chinese".

    (17)"Gtk WARNING ** cannnot open display"
        ==> "export DISPLAY=localhost:10.0"   (10 may be 11, 12...)
        You ma changed userid by "su" .
        Usualy DISPLAY is assigned by ssh.

(C) FC11.s390x upgrade trouble shooting.

    Install requred package over FC11 preinstalled DASD (http://secondary.fedoraproject.org/pub/alt/spins/S390/)
            ref           http://katzkichi-katzkichi.blogspot.com/2010/01/linux.html   (Japanese Page)
            pkg-download  //s390.koji.fedoraproject.org/koji

    (1) yum -y install libgnomeprint22-devel.s390x (pre-test for "yum upgrade")
          --> UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xe5 in position 154: ordinal not in range(128)
              ==> Craete new file.
                         import sys
          (yum install)
          --> Destination Host Prohibit
              ==> rerease firewall.
                      "iptables -F"
          (yum install)
          --> ERROR with rpm_check_debug vs depsolve
              Search package on //..koji.. for xz 4.999.8-0.7.beta and rpm 4.7.1-2.
              Download except dbginfo rpm then install all pkg in the page.
              (upload to s390x by scp the execute rpm on ssh console)
                scp fnm root@
                xz-libs:  rpm  -ivh   rpm*.rpm
                rpm    :  rpm  -Uvh   xz*.rpm
    (2) yum upgrade
             createrepo-0.9.8-2.fc12.noarch from fedora has depsolving problems
               --> Missing Dependency: python-deltarpm is needed by package createrepo-0.9.8-2.fc12.noarch (fedora)
             system-config-network-tui-1.5.99-1.fc12.noarch from fedora has depsolving problems
               --> Missing Dependency: python-iwlib is needed by package system-config-network-tui-1.5.99-1.fc12.noarch (fedora)
             Error: Missing Dependency: python-iwlib is needed by package system-config-network-tui-1.5.99-1.fc12.noarch (fedora)
             Error: Missing Dependency: python-deltarpm is needed by package createrepo-0.9.8-2.fc12.noarch (fedora)
              You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem
              You could try running: package-cleanup --problems
                                     package-cleanup --dupes
                                     rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest

        ===>yum install deltarpm
        ===>Install iwlib after searching on //..koji...
        ---> libiw, wireless-tools required.
        ===>yum install wiress-tools
        (yum took few hours on core4 CPU)

    (3) Restart.

        When selected new kernel(FC12) on hercules console.
        --->Boot wait by "No root device".   ===>give-up
        When selected old kernel(FC11)
        --->CTC G[
        ===>Add 3 line to /etc/rc.sysinit("@@@" flaged lines) (This is existed before upgrade to FC12)
                # /bin/bash
                # /etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit - run once at boot time
                # Taken in part from Miquel van Smoorenburg's bcheckrc.


                set -m

                if   -f /etc/sysconfig/network !; then
                    . /etc/sysconfig/network
                if   -z "$HOSTNAME" -o "$HOSTNAME" = "(none)" !; then

            @@@ modprobe ctcm
            @@@ echo "0.0.0600,0.0.0601" > /sys/bus/ccwgroup/drivers/ctcm/group
            @@@ echo 1 > /sys/bus/ccwgroup/drivers/ctcm/0.0.0600/online
        --->"udevd error geting buffer for inotify"
        ===>yum -Uvh *udev*145-14* (update from release-7)

(D) sshfs installation

   .install sshfs using package manager
   .add x permission if missing (chmod +x /usr/bin/fusermount) 
   .create mount point by 777 permision  (mkdir /mountpoint; chmod 777 /mountpoint)
   .add fuse group to your userid(reboot required).
   .chk group of /dev/fuse and change the group if not yet(chgrp fuse /dev/fuse) 

     sshfs [-o uid=nnn] [-o gid=nnn] user@remotehost:/remotedir /mountpoint

     Dokan sshfs(Windows version sshfs) assigns driveID using GUI window.
     Access file likeas "e N:\".