*(F-2) Utility:Search        *

          ------ Grep Search -----------------------------------------------------------=Rep

           Options  =>  [ Enter ? or --help for Help]

           Curr Dir --G:\src\mfc\wxe\Release

           FileSpec1=>  [ Try InsertLine key (default:F5) after partial path input. ]
                   2=>  [ Then use Send keys (default:A+i/r/d/Up/Down) or "^" lcmd. ]
                   3=>  [ "-f" at end of "Options" allows 1st line as pattern file. ]
                   4=>  [ Drag & Drop is also available.                            ]
                   5=>  [ Use RESet cmd (or Esc twice) to clear.                    ]

       .Execute "Search-tool Options FileSpec1 FileSpec2 ..." by Execute-key,
        then display stdout on Edit panel.
        Default command is "grep". Setup ini file if you want to use your own tool.
             Search_Cmd        ="grep" #("grep")# String search cmd.

       .Options     : specify option parameter of the tool.
                      Execute the tool with no operand when "?" is specified.
                      grep display detail help by --help option.
                      To use expression file parameter,specify -f at end of Options line,
                      and set the expression file name on FileSpec1 line.
        Curr Dir    : display current directory.
#ifndef UNX
                      Current directory of the drive of the cursor line is displayed.
        FileSpec1-15: Specify file/directory parameter of the tool.
                      Find Key(default:F5) splits screen then open dir-list of you specified.
                      With no input on the line,open the dir-list of Curr Dir.
                      From dir-list on other side of split screen,you can send file name.
                      Use Alt+i(Insert/r(Replace)/d(Delete)/Up(Cursor Up)/Down(Cursor down).
                      Line command "^" send filename according to the status of KeyInputMode(Ins/Rep).
                      Insert means input to null line,Replace means override the line reversed.
#ifndef WXE/XXE
                      You can set filename by mouse Drag&Drop.
                      Drag from dir-list or Explorer/Nautilus, drop on the line to be set.
                      RESet command or Esc key twice clears all input.