#if defined(LNX) || defined(W32)

          -Unicode Combining Character(Diacritical combining).

             OPT UNICOMB [ COMB | SPLIT | UNPR ] [ SHADOW | ITSELF | PADDING | U-xxxx ]

               COMB, SPLIT, UNPR : display combined, split and alternate character each.
               2nd operand is for Linux Console version only and specify how to write to screen when split mode.
                 SHADOW : write combining character with base character of the left side.
                 ITSELF : write combining character itself as single.
                 PADDING: write tab display character which is cleared by "TAB OFF" cmd
                 U-xxxx : any unicode you prefere.

              -disply characters of wcwidth=0.
               Validity of the combination is not checked.
               (Maximum combination is 4 on Linux console version)
              -Alt+":" is also used to switch display mode Combined-->Split-->Unprintable(single ":")
              -Visibility of Linux version depends to Linux distribution.
               Try to switch display mode. Displayed string may shift by cursor position.
               Command format: (reposrts current status if operand missong)
              -Linux GUI version(gxe) print combined mode except "Wysiwig" checkbox is ON.
