** 2012/01/05 v1.16

There are many options, most general usage is
  xcv -cm2m -f:cpfrom -t:-cpto inputfile -ooutputfile
"m" of m2f/f2m corresponds to current codepage, you can change it by -L option.

For EBCDIC file, use the following pattern
  xcv -cb2b -f:cpfrom -t:-cpto inputfile -mf:ebcmapfile
"m" of "m2b/b2m" is current codepage only, specify codepage for "b" using ebcmap file or -CPEB: option.
  xcv -cb2m inputfile -cpeb:cp939
Related option to EBCDIC translation are CRLF(-Masceol/-Mseteol), DBCS SOSI(-Sx), Fixed Record Length(-Fnn), etc.

On Windows(No-EBCDIC-support) or to use EBCDIC codepage not supported by Linux iconv, install ICU.
You can add your converter into ICU.
When you placed your own converter to other than ICU install directory,
you may have to set ICU_DATA environment-variable or ICU_DATA parameter of xe's EBCDIC cfg file.
(On android, the directory ICU installed may be protected)
  xcv -cb2b -f:cpfrom -t:-cpto inputfile -icu
ICU supports swaplfnm(s390 standard) on some EBCDIC converter.
 (std :ebc-x15-->U0085, ebc-x25-->U000a ==> swap:ebc-x15-->U000a, ebc-x25-->U0085)
  xcv -cb2m inputfile -cpeb:ibm37,swaplfnl -f80

Use m2f/f2m/b2f/f2b for UTF-8 translation.

u2f/f2u supports \uxxxx notation of unicode.
Unicode related options are -Y4(ucs4) -Yb(BOM read/write) -yL/nL(Little/Big Endian)

Other options are related to Japanese(Old/New JIS, IBM/NEC etc.)

**(Use "-" as alternative of "/" on Unix)

xcv:V1.16(W): Code conversion on SJIS,JIS,EUC,UCS,UTF-8,EBCDIC,
              Any other iconv/WindowsCP/ICU.
 xcv  [/options] [ infile | - ] [outfile]
  infile   :Source file name. if missing,assume pipe input. "-" is for stdin.
            specify "print" to print dbcs mapping table for b2s/s2b.
  outfile  :Output File Name, stdout if missing.
  /options :See bellow. CaseInsensitive.
    /2errf :stderr redirect file forr errmsg.
    /[C]x2y:x2y is following.
            e2s/s2e: EUC<-->SJIS.
            j2s/s2j: JIS<-->SJIS.
            j2e/e2j: JIS<-->EUC.
            e2e,s2s: for hankaku-katakana-->zenkaku-katakana conv on EUC,SJIS.
            b2s/s2b: EBCDIC<-->SJIS.
            b2e/e2b: EBCDIC<-->EUC-Japanese.
            b2a/a2b: EBCDIC<-->ASCII.(Ignore SO/SI,No DBCS processing)
            b2m/m2b: EBCDIC<-->LOCAL CodePage by external converter(ICU/iconv)
            b2f/f2b: EBCDIC<-->UTF-8 by external converter(ICU/iconv)
            k2L/L2k: EBCDIC re-conversion by CP1027(L) and CP290(k) vice versa.
                     Use for EBCDIC-->ASCII converted file.
            s2u,u2s: SJIS<-->UCS2 (16bit Unicode).
            s2f,f2s: SJIS<-->UTF-8 (8bit Unicode Translation Format).
            e2f,f2e: EUC(Japanese)<-->UTF-8.
            m2f,f2m: MB(LocaleCode)<-->UTF-8.
            m2m/b2b: translation between "/F:" and  "/T:"
                     select from Windows CP, iconv --list, uconv -l.
                     For Windows Codepage and ICU
                     use "/List" to list candidate.
            u2f,f2u: UCS2<-->UTF-8.
    /CPEB:cp :EBCDIC codepage for B2M/M2B. Alternative of /MF:mapfile option.
    /Enn   :conv err max msg output count. default=10.
    /F:from:For m2m/b2b, codepage translated from.
#ifdef W32
            Default is "0"(CP_ACP). "UTF8" is alternative of 65001.
"           Determined using "locale -a" if not specified.
    /F[nn][N]:EBCDIC file is fixed record length. nn:LRECL(default=80).
              Input(B2x) or Output(x2B) LRECL.
              N: last 8 byte is line-number-filed. adjust SO/SI insertion.
                 "N" is effective for m2b only.
    /ICU     :for B2x/x2B(x:B/M/F), use ICU when mf: omitted.
    /List  :list ICU converter(with /ICU option) or Windows Codepage.
#ifdef LNX
    /Llocale:LocaleCode for m2f/f2m conversion.
             Determined using "locale -a" if not specified.
             ex) -Leucjp , -Lsjis , -Liso88591
    /Mxxx  :optional mapping type.
            (specify multiple like as "/mJIS78 /mNEC" if required.)
            CP943C / MS932 / SJIS(default). use with s2u,stf.
              Mapping selection for the code SJIS:Unicode=1:n.
            NEC / IBM(default). use with u2s,f2s,b2s.
              Mapping selection for the code SJIS:Unicode/EBCDIC=n:1.
              IBM:IBM Selected, NEC:NEC selected or NEC's IBM Selected.
            SBCS: use with B2x,x2B,no DBCS consideration.
            ANK / CRLF. use with B2x,x2B.
              ANK:translate ctl char to '?'. CRLF:translate CR,LF and ANK.
#ifdef UNX
            ASCEOL: EBCDIC file EOL-ID is 0x0a. Default:0x0x15.
            ASCEOL: EBCDIC file EOL-ID is 0x0d0a. Default:0x15.
            SETEOL: append EOL-ID to each line. for m2m, x2B, RecordMode B2x.
            JIS78 / JIS83(default). use with B2x,x2B.
              JIS78(old) or JIS83(new) mapping seq.(28 pair,56 char affected)
            CP290:use CP290 for alternative of CP1027 tbl. use with B2x,x2B.
              CP290:Japanese Katakana Extension. CP1027:Latin Extension.
              "KANA-EXT":CP290, "ENG-EXT":CP1027.
    /MF:mapfile :mapping parameter file for B2M/M2B/B2B transplation.
                  (See CV command description in xee.txt)
                 /CPEB:cp is alternative of this option.
                 But, To use ICU, specify in this file or use /ICU.
    /Ofnm  :same as outfile parm.
    /Rx    :1 byte char to replace translation err code. ex, /r: /r'^'.
            Default is '?'. Use only with u2s,f2s,B2x,x2B and m2m.
            2 byte hex digit notation is available. ex, /r7f.
            for DBCS,specify 2 byte char or 4 hex digit.default is DBCS "?".
            specify both if required like as "/r. /r8148".
    /Sx    :SO(0e)/SI(0f) handling option for B2x/x2B.
            for B2x; x=d:Delete. x=a:Assume SO before the line.
                        x=r:Replace SO/SI by space.
                        This option override option of mapping file for B2m.
            for m2B; x=r:replace if boundary is space char else insert SO/SI.
                     x=s:replace and shrink following space if inserted.
                     x=d:No SO/SI is set. x=i:Insert SO/SI.
                        This option override option of mapping file for m2B.
    /T:to  :For m2m/b2b, codepage translated to.
#ifdef W32
            Default is "0"(CP_ACP). "UTF8" is alternative of 65001.
"           Determined using "locale -a" if not specified.
    /\u    :DBCS unicode by \uxxxx format.
    /Yx,/Nx:toggle type switch; x is as following.default is in ( ).
            b  :UTF-8 BOM check(input) or write(output).(/Nb)
#ifdef UNX
            L  :Unicode File is Little Endian(/NL)
            L  :Unicode File is Little Endian(/YL)
            m  :Mac file input(EndOfLine ID is 0x0d).(for not UCS conv).(/Nm)
            z  :conv hankaku-katakana to zenkaku among EUC,JIS and SJIS.(/Nz)
 ex) xcv /cs2u sjis1 | xcv /u2s >sjis2; xcv /j2s -; xcv /cu2f /YLb ucsbe1 /of1
     xcv /ce2s /yz euc1 sjis3; xcv /u2s /r"/" /mNEC ucsdata sjis1
     xcv /cm2b ms932 ibm939.txt  /mf:sjisebc.map /F80 /Mseteol /Masceol
         (locale-->ebcdic, output LRECL=80, set ASCII-EOL-ID)
     xcv /cm2b ms932 ibm939.txt /mf:sjisebc.map  /Masceol /Mseteol
         (locale-->ebcdic, output line with appened ASCII-EOL)
     xcv /cb2m ebcf1 ascf2 /mf:sjisebc.map /F80 /Mseteol
         (locale<--ebcdic, input LRECL=80, output line with appened ASCII-EOL)
     xcv /cb2m ebcf1 ascf2 /mf:sjisebc.map /Masceol
         (locale<--ebcdic, input line with ASCII-EOL-ID
#ifdef W32
     xcv /cb2m ebcf1 ascf2 /CPEB:37
     xcv /cm2m latin1 latin15 /Mseteol /f:28591 /t:28605
     xcv -cb2m ebcf1 ascf2 -CPEB:cp037
     xcv -cm2m latin1 latin15 -Mseteol -f:ISO-8859-1 -t:ISO-8859-15
     xcv /cm2m latin1 latin15 /Mseteol /f:28591 /t:28605
     xcv /cb2b ebc1   ebc2 /Mf:ebc.map /Mseteol /f:cp930 /t:cp939
     xcv /cf2b utf1 -oebc1 /Mf:xeebc.map /cpeb:cp932
     xcv -cf2b utf1 -oebc1 -ICU -cpeb:ibm-37,swaplfnl