xfmt : V1.3=(W)= file record formatting.
format:xfmt [/options] filename [fieldspec ...]
  options    :
    /D"delms"  :additional input field delimiter. 
                  default is " \t"(space and tab).
    /L[n]x[str]:line selection string specification. n:column, x:S/E/I/X.
                 S: line selection Start from the line containing this string.
                 E: line selection End with the line containing this string.
                 I: select the line Including this string.
                 X: eXclude the line containing this string.
                 +: AND condition of previous condition.
                I and X is checked sequencialy as specified. 
                assume full select if first is X. exclude all if start by I.
                ex) /L8S"12:00:00" /L8E"13:00:00"
                    (line select start from the lines with "12:00:00"
                     at column 8 to the line with "13:00:00" at column 8)
                    /LX"Normal" /L20I"Overridden"
                    (exclude the line with "Normal" at col.1
                     except col.20 is "Overridden")
                    /L5I"RC" /L9+"Ok"
                    (select the lines with "RC" at col.5 and "Ok" at col.9)
    /Ooutfile  :output filename. default is stdout.
    /Q[s][d]   :quotation consideration. ignore delmiter in quotationn.
                 s:single quotation, d:double quotation. /Q means both.
    /Rnn       :insert (CR)LF for each nn byte(for file with no EOL id).
    /S[R]"seps":output field seperator. default is " "(1 space).
                R:replace all delimiter of input file by this parameter.
    /Xoutfile2 :excluded line output filename. default is no output.
    /Yx,/Nx    :other flag option.
                Na:no field alignment as default. Without Ys,copy write.
                   With Ys,output space compressed.
                Nc:no confirmation msg when output file override.
                Ys:select only the fields of fieldspec.
  fieldspec: fieldno[-fieldno]][O][R|L|P][N|A][C][:col-spec]
            col-spec: [X]{start-substr|[-]cols}[:{end-substr|[-]cols|Llength}]
            start/end-substr: [T|E][-]{A|B}fldstr
        fieldno:field-No separated by delimiter(default:space and tab). max=99.
        O      :OutOfRange,followings are one field as whole.
        R      :Right justify the field. Default unless /Na is specified.
        L      :Left justify the field.
        P      :align by decimal point.
        N      :search numeric field and right hsutify at the point.
        A      :reset once effect of N & C for following fields.
        C      :compress interfield spaces of all following to a space.
                with N,compress until numeric field found.
                ex) l 5r  (Left justify except fieldNo 5)
                    1-5p (apply "P" for field 1 to 5 if decimal point numeric)
                    r l 4c (Right,Left,Left then compress all after fieldNo 4)
        X      :option to exclude sustring.
        T|E    :start/end position for the line with no fldstr. Top or End ?
                For start-str,defaut is "e" with X(exclude substr) option,
                else "t". For end-str,defaut is "e" for both with and w/o X.
        [-]A|B :substring start/end at A(After) or B(Before) the fldstr.
                "-" means backword string search.
        fldstr :string to determin substring position.
                Enclose by single quotation(') if it contains ":".
                ex) 3:xb"time out"
                    (drop substring before "time out" if fieldNo 3 has it)
                    (pickup substring after "Time:" to before "Elapsed")
        [-]cols:substring start/end column. "-" means cols from end.
                ex) 3:3:5    (pickup col3-5 of field-No 3)
                    6:x-5:-2 (cut first 4 byte and last 1 byte of field-No6)
        Llength:substring len. means up to end-of-field if missing.
                ex) 3:3:L5   (pickup 5 byte from col3 of field-No 3)
        (Note)  substring position is for the string after aligned for P type.
      w/o fieldspec param,all fields are put right aligned if no /Ys,/Na parm.
      alignment specification only(without field-no) is effective on the field
      correspond to the specification and followings upto end of line.
sample) xfmt /L5S"10:00:00" /L5E"11:59:59" /LIexcept /LXNullPo file1 r 5l
        xfmt /Q /S"," /Na /Ys file2 5:x4 6:-3:L2 1 3:t-a?:4 7:b"x y":a"x z"
        xfmt file3 nc:999:l1

Sample Execution.

14:39:09 ===>> cat inp1
2005/01/22  10:19    <DIR>          .
    2005/01/22  10:19    <DIR>          ..
2007/05/18  17:23                80 @
  2000/07/08  18:08             1,302 @0
2001/09/08  08:38            22,440 @1
2001/09/08  08:38            22,440 @2
2000/07/08  09:47                80 @3
2000/07/23  06:51             8,661 @@
2000/07/08  19:36             1,410 @@0
2001/08/30  12:55               521 @@1

(*** fields alignment-1:: l:Left justify up to next, 3:fieldNumber 3, r:Right justify upto end of line***)
14:39:44 ===>> xfmt inp1 l 3r
 2005/01/22  10:19   <DIR>  .  
 2005/01/22  10:19   <DIR>  .. 
 2007/05/18  17:23      80  @  
 2000/07/08  18:08   1,302  @0 
 2001/09/08  08:38  22,440  @1 
 2001/09/08  08:38  22,440  @2 
 2000/07/08  09:47      80  @3 
 2000/07/23  06:51   8,661  @@ 
 2000/07/08  19:36   1,410  @@0
 2001/08/30  12:55     521  @@1
xfmt:V1.1(W): *** Done *** inp1 --> stdout , null  *** 
    read:10, write:10, excluded:0, short-line:0

(*** fields alignment-2::***)
14:40:29 ===>> xfmt inp1 l 3r 4r
 2005/01/22  10:19   <DIR>    .
 2005/01/22  10:19   <DIR>   ..
 2007/05/18  17:23      80    @
 2000/07/08  18:08   1,302   @0
 2001/09/08  08:38  22,440   @1
 2001/09/08  08:38  22,440   @2
 2000/07/08  09:47      80   @3
 2000/07/23  06:51   8,661   @@
 2000/07/08  19:36   1,410  @@0
 2001/08/30  12:55     521  @@1
xfmt:V1.1(W): *** Done *** inp1 --> stdout , null  *** 
    read:10, write:10, excluded:0, short-line:0

14:58:04 ===>> cat inp2
2005/01/22  10:19    <DIR>          .
    2005/01/22  10:19    <DIR>          ..
2007/05/18  17:23                80 @
  2000/07/08  18:08             1.302 @0
2001/09/08  08:38            22.440 @1
2001/09/08  08:38            22.440 @2
2000/07/08  09:47                80 @3
2000/07/23  06:51             8.661 @@
2000/07/08  19:36             1.410 @@0
2001/08/30  12:55               521 @@1

(*** fields alignment-3:: p:decimal point algnment from fieldNo-1 to end of line ***)
14:58:23 ===>> xfmt inp2 p
 2005/01/22  10:19    <DIR>    .
 2005/01/22  10:19    <DIR>   ..
 2007/05/18  17:23   80        @
 2000/07/08  18:08    1.302   @0
 2001/09/08  08:38   22.440   @1
 2001/09/08  08:38   22.440   @2
 2000/07/08  09:47   80       @3
 2000/07/23  06:51    8.661   @@
 2000/07/08  19:36    1.410  @@0
 2001/08/30  12:55  521      @@1
xfmt:V1.1(W): *** Done *** inp2 --> stdout , null  *** 
    read:10, write:10, excluded:0, short-line:0

15:04:27 ===>> cat inp3
2005/01/22  10:19    <DIR>          .
    2005/01/22  10:19    <DIR>          ..
2007/05/18  17:23       1  a     80 @
  2000/07/08  18:08   2    a    1.302 @0
2001/09/08 A08:38      2   a 22.440 @1
2001/09/08  08:38       4  a 22.440 @2
2000/07/08  09:47B       5 a     80 @3
2000/07/23  06:51      99  a  8.661 @@
2000/07/08  19:36   9      a  1.410 @@0
2001/08/30  12:55      999 a   521 @@1

(*** fields alignment-4:: n:numeric field only ***)
15:05:13 ===>> xfmt inp3  n
  2005/01/22  10:19    <DIR>          .
 2005/01/22  10:19    <DIR>          ..
                      2007/05/18  17:23    1  a      80    @
                      2000/07/08  18:08    2  a   1.302   @0
                      2001/09/08 A08:38    2  a  22.440   @1
                      2001/09/08  08:38    4  a  22.440   @2
                     2000/07/08  09:47B    5  a      80   @3
                      2000/07/23  06:51   99  a   8.661   @@
                      2000/07/08  19:36    9  a   1.410  @@0
                      2001/08/30  12:55  999  a     521  @@1
xfmt:V1.1(W): *** Done *** inp3 --> stdout , null  *** 
    read:10, write:10, excluded:0, short-line:0

(*** fields alignment-5:: c:compaction up to end of line***)
15:06:22 ===>> xfmt inp3  3c
  2005/01/22  10:19         <DIR> 
  2005/01/22  10:19        <DIR> .
  2007/05/18  17:23        1 a 80 
  2000/07/08  18:08    2 a 1.302 @
  2001/09/08 A08:38   2 a 22.440 @
  2001/09/08  08:38   4 a 22.440 @
  2000/07/08  09:47B      5 a 80 @
  2000/07/23  06:51   99 a 8.661 @
  2000/07/08  19:36   9 a 1.410 @@
  2001/08/30  12:55   999 a 521 @@
xfmt:V1.1(W): *** Done *** inp3 --> stdout , null  *** 
    read:10, write:10, excluded:0, short-line:0

(*** fields aselection:: -Ys:seect specified field***)
16:08:28 ===>> xfmt inp3 /ys 2 3 5
  10:19  <DIR> 
  10:19  <DIR> 
  17:23      1      80 
  18:08      2   1.302 
 A08:38      2  22.440 
  08:38      4  22.440 
 09:47B      5      80 
  06:51     99   8.661 
  19:36      9   1.410 
  12:55    999     521 
xfmt:V1.1(W): *** Done *** inp3 --> stdout , null  *** 
    read:10, write:10, excluded:0, short-line:2

16:50:30 ===>> cat inp4
 NAME=angel  AGE:60  f  Addr-Stockholm
 NAME=sky    AGE:60  m  Addr-Tokyo
 NAME=erth   AGE:600  f  Addr-LosAngels
 NAME=moon   AGE:6000 m   Addr-another world

(*** cut string :: 1l:left justify fieldNo1, a: pickup After string "Name=" of filedNo1 ***)
(                  4l:a"Addr-" pickup After string "After-" of fieldNo4 then left justify ***)
16:50:35 ===>> xfmt inp4 r 1l:a"NAME=" 4l:a"Addr-"
 angel    AGE:60  f  Stockholm
 sky      AGE:60  m  Tokyo    
 erth    AGE:600  f  LosAngels
 moon   AGE:6000  m  another    world
xfmt:V1.1(W): *** Done *** inp4 --> stdout , null  *** 
    read:4, write:4, excluded:0, short-line:0

(*** cut string :: 4l:a"-" :pickup After string "-" of filedNo4 ***)
23:13:10 ===>> xfmt  x2 4l:a"-"
  NAME=angel  AGE:60  f   Stockholm
  NAME=sky    AGE:60  m   Tokyo    
  NAME=erth   AGE:600  f  LosAngels
  NAME=moon   AGE:6000 m  another    world
xfmt:V1.1(W): *** Done *** x2 --> stdout , null  *** 
    read:4, write:4, excluded:0, short-line:0

(*** cut string :: 4l:xa"-" :cut After string "-" of filedNo4 ***)
23:13:29 ===>> xfmt  x2 4l:xa"-"
  NAME=angel  AGE:60  f   Addr-
  NAME=sky    AGE:60  m   Addr-
  NAME=erth   AGE:600  f  Addr-
  NAME=moon   AGE:6000 m  Addr-  world
xfmt:V1.1(W): *** Done *** x2 --> stdout , null  *** 
    read:4, write:4, excluded:0, short-line:0

(*** field delimiter other than space:: /d"=-" delimiter is "=","-" and space ***)
17:01:24 ===>> xfmt inp4 /d"=-"
 NAME=   angel  AGE:60  f  Addr-     Stockholm
 NAME=   sky    AGE:60  m  Addr-         Tokyo
 NAME=  erth   AGE:600  f  Addr-     LosAngels
 NAME= moon   AGE:6000 m   Addr- another world
xfmt:V1.1(W): *** Done *** inp4 --> stdout , null  *** 
    read:4, write:4, excluded:0, short-line:0

(*** replace delimiter:: /SR":": rep delm "=" and "-" by ":" ***)
17:01:38 ===>> xfmt inp4 /d"=-" /SR":"
 NAME:  angel  AGE:60  f  Addr:    Stockholm
 NAME:  sky    AGE:60  m  Addr:        Tokyo
 NAME: erth   AGE:600  f  Addr:    LosAngels
 NAME:moon   AGE:6000 m   Addr:another world
xfmt:V1.1(W): *** Done *** inp4 --> stdout , null  *** 
    read:4, write:4, excluded:0, short-line:0

(*** replace delimiter:: /SR" ": rep delm "=" and "-" by " " ***)
17:02:10 ===>> xfmt inp4 /d"=-" /SR" "
 NAME   angel  AGE:60  f  Addr     Stockholm
 NAME   sky    AGE:60  m  Addr         Tokyo
 NAME  erth   AGE:600  f  Addr     LosAngels
 NAME moon   AGE:6000 m   Addr another world
xfmt:V1.1(W): *** Done *** inp4 --> stdout , null  *** 
    read:4, write:4, excluded:0, short-line:0

(*** line selection:: /lsangel: selection start from the line having string "angel" ***)
(                     /leLos  : selection end   at   the line having string "Los"   ***)
17:04:36 ===>> xfmt inp4 /lsangel /leLos
 NAME=angel   AGE:60  f  Addr-Stockholm
   NAME=sky   AGE:60  m      Addr-Tokyo
  NAME=erth  AGE:600  f  Addr-LosAngels
xfmt:V1.1(W): *** Done *** inp4 --> stdout , null  *** 
    read:4, write:3, excluded:1, short-line:0

(*** line selection:: /lxsky  : do not select the line having string "sky" ***)
17:05:43 ===>> xfmt inp4 /lsangel /leLos /lxsky
 NAME=angel   AGE:60  f  Addr-Stockholm
  NAME=erth  AGE:600  f  Addr-LosAngels
xfmt:V1.1(W): *** Done *** inp4 --> stdout , null  *** 
    read:4, write:2, excluded:2, short-line:0

(*** line selection:: /lxm  : do not select the line having string "m" ***)
17:09:31 ===>> xfmt inp4 /lxm
 NAME=erth  AGE:600  f  Addr-LosAngels
xfmt:V1.1(W): *** Done *** inp4 --> stdout , null  *** 
    read:4, write:1, excluded:3, short-line:0

16:57:24 ===>> cat inp5
 'NAME angel'  AGE:60  f   Addr Stockholm                 1
 'NAME sky'  AGE:60  m   Addr Tokyo                     2
 'NAME   erth'  AGE:600  f   Addr "Los Angels"             3
 'NAME moon'  AGE:6000 m   Addr "another world"          4

(*** quatation     :: ignored as default ***)
16:57:28 ===>> xfmt inp5 l
 'NAME  angel'  AGE:60    f  Addr  Stockholm  1      
 'NAME  sky'    AGE:60    m  Addr  Tokyo      2      
 'NAME  erth'   AGE:600   f  Addr  "Los       Angels"  3
 'NAME  moon'   AGE:6000  m  Addr  "another   world"   4
xfmt:V1.1(W): *** Done *** inp5 --> stdout , null  *** 
    read:4, write:4, excluded:0, short-line:0

(*** quatation     :: /q: consideration single and double quotation ***)
16:57:37 ===>> xfmt inp5 l /q
 'NAME angel'   AGE:60    f  Addr  Stockholm        1
 'NAME sky'     AGE:60    m  Addr  Tokyo            2
 'NAME   erth'  AGE:600   f  Addr  "Los Angels"     3
 'NAME moon'    AGE:6000  m  Addr  "another world"  4
xfmt:V1.1(W): *** Done *** inp5 --> stdout , null  *** 
    read:4, write:4, excluded:0, short-line:0