About BlindSearch! for Epoc BlindSearch! is a strategy game to expect and destroy all enemy ships. Quickest Help : Tap the ship once(MOVE) or twice(FIRE) and select area. MOVE : move the ship to selected direction FIRE : attack the area with selected power Basic information BlindSearch! is played by two players. Tne one is you and the other is computer (EPOC). Originally this game has been played with pencil and paper by two people, hiding each other's paper. Both player's ships are initially positioned at random. Total three ships are given to each other. By moving or firing these ships, player will find and attack enemy ships. Player will be winner when he or she destroys all enemy ships. Position of enemy ships are unknown first, and player tries to attack enemy with restricted information. The point is to search and attack enemy without paying one's information to enemy. Type of ships Three ships are given to each player initially : Battleship, Cruiser, and Destroyer. Battleship is the most powerful and hardest to sink. It has 6 points of life and 3 points of attack power. Cruiser has medium power and body. It has 5 points of life and 2 points of attack power. Destroyer is weak and easy to be destroyed. It has 4 points of life and 1 point of attack power. Life and Attack power Life means how many points of damages the ship can receive before destroyed. Once life is decreased by enemy's attack, it can not be recovered. Current/Maximum life points are shown beneath the field in the window. Attack power means maximum points of damages which the ship can give the enemy's ship in a single attack. Ships can select attack power in each attack.Attack power is not decreased by enemy's attacks until the ship is destroyed. For example, Cruiser has 2 points of attack power and Destroyer has 4 points of life. Cruiser can destroy Destroyer with minimum two turns. Field All ships are positioned and are able to move in 5x5 field. Top-left, top-right, bottom-left and bottom-right is A-1, E-1, A-5, E-5. Top means North. Turn and Command Each player can do one command - move or fire - in one's turn. Player and enemy's turn will come one after the other. How to command In your turn, tap the ship you want to move or fire. First tap will show the position that the current ship can move to. If you want to move the ship, tap the destination. If you intend to fire, tap the ship again and attackable position will be shown. Tap third time to select fire power. Whenever you want to cancel previous tap, tap blank area. You can also select use keyboard equivalent. Enter key is to select the current ship or position or fire power. Esc key is to cancel the previous selection. Arrow key is to move cursor. Command "Move" All ships can move to the neighbouring position in a single move command. For example, ship at C-3 can move to one of eight position: B-2, B-3, B-4, C-2, C-4, D-2, D-3 and D-4. It is not allowed to let more than two ships be in one position. Total number of allowed position of any ship is 5x5, from A-1 to E-5. When ship is moved, enemy will get the name of ships and moving direction. For example, when player one moves Cruiser from A-3 to B-2, player two will find that enemy Cruiser moves somewhere to North East direction.This will lead the implicit information that the current position of Cruiser is not A-* nor *-5. Command "Fire" All ships can fire to the neighbouring 3x3 position in a single fire command. For example, ship at C-3 can fire to one of nine position: B-2, B-3, B-4, C-2, C-3, C-4, D-2, D-3 and D-4. It is allowed to fire the position where friend ship already exists. Such attack does no harm to friend ship. In each fire command, player must select attack power.It will be damage to enemy ship if enemy ship exists at the position. When ship fires, enemy will get the attacked position and its power.And both player will get the result of fire: no wave, high wave, hit or destroyed. For example, when player one make Cruiser(at B-3) fire to C-2 with power 2, player two will find that some ship fires C-2 with power 2.This will lead the implicit information that the Battleship or Cruiser exists near C-2. Result of Command "Fire" According to attacked position and ship location, result can be no wave, high wave, hit or destroyed. "No wave" means that there is no enemy ship near attacked position. For example, if player one attacks D-3 and resulted "no wave", any enemy ship does NOT exist at C-2,C-3,C-4,D-2,D-3,D-4,E-2,E-3 and E-4. "High wave" means that enemy ship does not exist at the position but exists near there. For example, if player one attacks D-3 and resulted "high wave", enemy ship does not exist at D-3, but some ship exists at C-2,C-3,C-4,D-2,D-4,E-2,E-3 or E-4. "Hit" means that the attack succeeded.In this case the total damage of the attacked ship will also be reported. But the type of the ship is still unknown. "Destroyed" means that the attack succeeded and destroyed the ship. In this case the type of ship will also be reported. End of Game The game ends when all three ships of either player are destroyed. You can abort the game anytime, but can not save it. Keyboard Equivalent -anytime Ctrl + N : start new game Ctrl + E : exit game Ctrl + T : toggle toolbar on/off Ctrl + P : open preference dialog Ctrl + Shift + H : open help file Ctrl + Shift + A : open 'about' dialog Ctrl + K : Scroll log view up Ctrl + J : Scroll log view down End : Focus on log view Home : Focus on field view -when focusing on field view Arrow : Change the focused ship or Move cursor Enter : Select the focused position Esc : Unselect the focused position -when focusing on log view Up/Down Arrow : Scroll up/down PgUp/PgDn : Scroll up/down Features -work with Epoc Release 5 (Symbian ver.5) -Revo/RevoPlus/Mako available -approx. 80kB memory to install -approx. 400kB memory to run -freeware -help file support -sound support -full functionality for both pen and keyboard Copyright 2001-2002, Tea Duck Studio. All rights reserved. Special thanks to H. Daimyojin Otsuki. This program is freeware. URI http://hp.vector.co.jp/authors/VA012749/ E-mail hmuraoka at fbe dot freeserve dot ne dot jp H.Muraoka