Animated CGs

JavaScript + p5.js
Collection A collection of CG animations. Click ▶play button to start.
Heart-curve A little cute dog chases the treat with a pounding heart. When you click on it something happens.
Colorful Ring Using toxiclibs.js, it demonstrates a soft body in the shape. It changes its shape when you click.
Snowboarding A dog is snowboarding on a bumpy surface. It performs a trick when you click and turns with a slider.
Following A colorful spiral object that follows the mouse pointer. It changes its shape when you click.
Sparkling Stars Stars follow the mouse pointer and change the animation when you click.
Aquarium 1 A dark-colored aquarium animation.
Aquarium 2 An aquarium with gradation colors changing in the background, while fish are swimming and bubbles are going up.
Aquarium 3 An aquarium with gradation colors changing in the background. Fish color also changes.
Heart Fish swim around heart-shaped lines, while the fish in the middle are in love.
Shark Little fish are being eaten by the shark.
Jellyfish A jellyfish with gradation colors is swimming.