Griswold, the Blacksmith

"Wao, what can I do for ya?"

Sometimes I think that Cain talks too much, but I guess that is his calling in life. If I could bend steel as well as he can bend your ear, I coud make a suit of court plate goot enough for an emperor ! ケインはすこしお喋り過ぎるんじゃないか、と時々思うこともあるが、それがあいつの天職かもしれん。あいつが君たちの耳を自在にとらえるように、わしも鉄を自在に鍛える事ができたなら、きっと皇帝陛下の鎧だって作ることができるだろうよ!
If you're looking for a good weapon, let me show this to you. Take your basic blunt weapon, such as a mace. Works like a charm against most of those undying horrors down there, and there's nothing better to shatter skinny little skeltons ! いい武器を探しているなら、これを見てみろ。擦り減った武器を持って来い、例えばメイスとかな。地下に居る不死の奴等にたいがい効くまじないよろしく、良く切れるぞ。骸骨の奴等をたたきつぶすのにこれ以上いい武器はないわい。
Gillian is a nice lass. Shame that her gammer is in such poor health or I would arrange to get both of them out of here on one of the trading caravans. ジリアンはいい娘だ。彼女の婆さんがあんなひどい病気でなければ、心当たりの隊商に彼女らを預けて、ここから立ち去るよう工面したんだがな。
Your weapons and armor will show the signs of your struggles against the darkness. If you bring them to me, with a bit of work and a hot forge, I can restore them to top fighting form. あんたらの武器と鎧は、悪魔どもとの格闘の印として、傷ついていくだろう。それらを持ってきてくれたなら、わしの鍛冶の腕前で、最高の状態にまで修理してやれるぞ。
The axe ? Aye, that's a good weapon, balanced against any foe. Look how it cleaves the air, and then imagine a nice fat demon head in its path. Keep in mind, however, that it is slow to swing - but talk about dealing a heavy blow ! 斧かい? ウム、これはどんな敵とも渡りあえる、いい武器だ。こいつが空気を切り裂く様はどうだ、そしてスパッと振り切ったその後に、デブ悪魔の頭がすっ飛んでるという訳だ。でも忘れるなよ、こいつは振りが遅い・・・ま、ダメージの大きい武器の話だったな!
That lad is going to get himself into serious trouble... or I guess I should say, again. I've tried to interest him in working here and learning an honest trade, but he prefers the high profits of dealing in goods of dubious origin. I cannot hold that against him after what happened to him, but I do wish he would at least be careful. あのガキは自分で自分にひどい災難を呼びこんどる・・・。もう一度言ってやらにゃ、いかんかもな。あいつにここで働いて、まっとうな商売を勉強させようとしたんだが、怪しげな出所のブツでぼろ儲けする方がいいなんてぬかしやる。あいつに何が起ころうと、もう俺は知ったことじゃないが、やるならもうちょっと慎重にやらなきゃいかんぜ。
A good man who puts the needs of others above his own. You won't find anyone left in Tristram - or anywhere else for that matter - who has a bad thing to say about the healer. 自分を犠牲にして他人に尽くす、いい奴だ。あのペピンの事を悪く言う奴なんて、もうこのトリストラムのどこにもおらんだろうよ。
I was with Farnham that night that Lazarus led us into Labyrinth. I never saw the archbishop again, and I may not have survived if Farnham was not at my side. I fear that the attack left his soul as crippled as, well, another did my leg. I cannot fight this battle for him now, but I would if I could. ラザルスが我々を迷宮に導いたあの夜、わしはファーンハムと一緒にいた。あれ以来ラザルスを見ていないが、もしファーンハムがわしの側にいなかったら、わしも生きてはいなかったろうな。あいつが心に受けた痛手が、ウム、わしが足に受けた痛手ほどひどくなければいいんだが。今回はあいつのために戦うことができん、戦いたいのは山々なのだが。
While I have to practically smuggle in the metals and tools I need from caravans that skirt the edges of our damned town, that witch, Adria, always seems to get whatever she needs. If I knew even the smallest bit about how to harness magic as she did, I could make some truly incredible things. わしは実際の所、必要な金属や道具を、この呪われた町の側を通りかかる隊商から密輸せにゃならん。しかしあの魔女、エイドリアだ、あれは必要なものはいつでも何でも手に入れておるようだ。もしあいつが使う魔法のほんの片言でも使えたなら、本当に信じられんような傑作を作ってみせるのになあ。
Look at that edge, that balance. A sword in the right hands, and against the right foe, is the master of all weapons. Its keen blade finds little to hack or pierce on the undead, but against a living, breathing enemy, a sword will better slice their flesh ! その刃先とバランスを見てくれ。右側の敵に右腕の武器で向かう、これは全ての武器を使うときの基本だな。その鋭い剣は、不死の連中にはほとんど切りつけたり貫いたりすることができないが、息をしている敵だったら、その肉をもっと切り刻むことができるだろうさ!
The innkeeper has little bussiness and no real way of turning a profit. He manages to make ends meet by providing food and lodging for those who occasionally drift through the village, but they are as likely to sneak off into the night as they are to pay him. If it weren't for the stores of grains and dried meat he kept in his cellar, why, most of us would have starved during that first year when the entire countryside was overrun by demons. あの宿屋の主人は仕事らしい仕事も無く、現実に稼ぎとなる手段が無いんだ。彼はこの村を時々通りかかる人間に、食べ物と部屋を提供して何とか儲けを出そうとしているんだが、奴等、いざ勘定という段になるとこっそり夜逃げしていきやがる。もし彼が地下室に保存しておいた穀物と干肉が無かったら、おう、悪魔たちがこの田舎を覆い尽くしたあの最初の一年間で、我々の殆どは飢え死にしたことだろうな。

村人の gossip の和訳

Translator : Nakamura Masaaki (1997)