Wirt, the Peg-Legged Boy

"Psst! Over here!"

Ogden is a fool for staying here. I could get him out of town for a very reasonable price, but he insists on trying to make a go of it with that stupid tavern. I guess at the least he gives Gillian a place to work, and his wife Garda does make a superb shepherd's pie... ここに残るなんて、オグデンも馬鹿さ。サービス価格であいつを街から連れ出しても良かったんだが、居残ってあのチンケな居酒屋を成功させるんだと言い張りやがった。まあ、少なくともあいつはジリアンに働き口を与えてやったし、おかみさんのガルダは見事なシェパード・パイを焼いてくれるけどな・・・。
Cain knows too much. He scares the life out of me - even more than that woman across the river. He keeps telling me about how lucky I am to be alive, and how my story is foretold in legend. I think he's off his crock. ケインもどうかしてるぜ。あいつはここいらの人間を怖がらせてる、あの川むこうの女以上にな。あいつは「お前がまだ生きてる事はすごい幸運だ」とか、「お前の事は昔から伝説で語られてた」とか、いっつも言いやがる。そろそろヤキがまわって来たんじゃねえのか?
Not everyone in Tristram has a use - or a market - for everything you will find in the labyrinth. Not even me, as hard as that is to believe.

Sometimes, only you will be able to find a purpose for some things.



As long as you don't need anything reattached, old Pepin is as good as they come.

If I'd have had some of those potions he brews, I might still have my leg...



If I were a few years older, I would shower her with whatever riches I could muster, and let me assure you I can get my hands on some very nice stuff. Gillian is beautiful girl who should get out of Tristram as soon as it is safe. Hmmm... Maybe I'll take her with me when I go... もしオレがもう二、三歳、年をくってたら、手に入るありったけの物をあいつにプレゼントしたろうな。オレの商売の腕前なら、まんざらでも無いだろうさ。ジリアンは、こんな危なっかしい土地にいるには惜しい美人だぜ。うーん・・・ ここを出る時、ついでにあいつもかっさらっちまおうかな・・・。
I guess I owe the Blacksmith my life - what there is of it. Sure, Griswold offered me an apprenticeship at the smithy, and he is a nice enough guy, but I'll never get enough money to... well, let's just say that I have definite plans that require a large amount of gold. グリズウォルドには命を助けてもらった義理があると思う。ああ、あいつはあの店で働くようオレに声をかけてくれたし、すごくいい奴だよ。でもそれじゃ稼ぎが少ないんだ・・・ そう、実はな、オレにはある大事な夢があるんだ。そのために、まずべらぼうな大金が要るんだよ。
Don't trust everything the drunk says. Too many ales have fogged his vision and his good sense. あのヨッパライの話なんか信用するなよ。飲りすぎたおかげで、すっかりネジが外れてやがる。
Farnham - now there is a man with serious problems, and I know all about how serisous problems can be. He trusted too much in the integrity of one man, and Lazarus led him into the very jaws of death. Oh, I know what it's like down there, so don't even start telling me about your plans to destroy the evil that dwells in that labyrinth. Just watch your legs... ファーンハム・・・今すごい問題になっている奴がいる。オレもすごい問題ってのがどんなものか、ちゃんと分かってるぜ。あいつは一人の男の正しさを信用しすぎた。そしてそのラザルスは、あいつを死の入り口まで突き落とそうとした。ああ、あの教会の下がどんな風になってるか、知ってるぜ。だからあそこに住む奴らをどうやって叩き殺そうか、なんて話はやめてくれ。せいぜい足を切り取られないよう、気をつけるんだな・・・。
In case you haven't noticed, I don't buy anything from Tristram. I am an importer of quality goods. If you want to peddle junk, you'll have to see Griswold, Pepin or that witch, Adria. I'm sure that they will snap up whatever you can bring them... 念のために言っとくけどな、俺はこの土地で仕入れはやらねえ。よそから優良品を仕入れてくるんでな。くずアイテムを扱いたいんなら、グリズウォルドかペピンか、あの魔女、エイドリアとやるんだな。あいつらなら、どんなアイテムだろうと喜んで扱うだろうさ・・・。
Adria truly bothers me. Suer, Cain is creepy in what he can tell you about the past, but that witch can see into your past. She always has some way to get whatever she needs, too. Adria gets her hands on more merchandise than I've seen pass through the gates of the king's bazaar during high festival. エイドリアには、マジでイラつくぜ。ケインの昔話にも虫酸が走るけど、あの魔女はあんた自身の過去を見とおす事ができるんだ。あいつは自分の望みを何でも叶える力もある。エイドリアは、以前お祭りのキング・バザーにいた時よりも、もっと商売を手がけるようになったな。

村人の gossip の和訳

Translator : Nakamura Masaaki (1997)