What's VC2Let

VC2Let is the adventure game that was made by using VC2 the program that does it as it is able to play also in the Web.

about VC2
Download-page in Vector

Necessary file

Runtime-package called HSPLet.zip is necessary, to implement VC2Let.

about HSPLet
Download-page in Vector

Difference with VC2

There is not a SAVE/LOAD function to VC2Let
There is the scenario selection function by password input to VC2Let.
This does the substitute of SAVE/LOAD function, with the method that divides a scenario in the unit of a chapter and display the password to the next chapter at the end of each chapter.

About the scenario selection function

Image form
Can use BMP, GIF, JPG, MAG.
I recommend the use of JPG and MAG.

To make the image of MAG form
Free software ViX

Sound form
Can use AU(8bit,law,8000Hz,Mono).

To make the image of AU form
Free software AU-converter