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Now I will present you nicely serving Japanese green tea !!

It Starts New Flagrant Japanese Green Tea ♪♪......

How To Enjoy Japanese Green Tea.
Why green tea is so popular in Japan?
You can taste any way you want, bitter or sweet.
Depending on each season ,you may taste and smell differently.
In a cold or hot ,your mind will become rich and be refreshed.

	A little care will make tea taste better.

How to make tea nicely?
To make good tea ,the most important thing is the temperature of the hot water.
Generally speaking ,for fine tea ,you need to soak the tea lukewarm water.
For conventional tea, use high temperature water for a few minutes.
The sweetness of fine tea is cause by amino-acid. If you use too hot water,
you will lose it's sweetness caused by tannin.
Put in a lukewarm water and wait till the tea leaves pop.
But for the ordinary type tea ,pour hot water fast,
then pour in a cup to the last drop, not to become too bitter by tannin.
Hot water for tea is better to be once boiled.
Pour it into a cup to a very last drop.
Keeping the Tea.
*Use tight sealed can for preventing humidity.
*If you get too much volume tea ,you had better to divide it into small amount.
*Keep it in a cool place.
*If you keep tea in a refrigerator, put it in a can or aluminum bug,
not to get dump and damage aroma.

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The last reviced date 1996.04.09
Publisher recommend Netscape 2.0
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