#Please make a language resource by UTF-8 format. window_0=Brushes window_1=Retouch window_2=Size&Palette window_3=Texture window_4=Color&Mask window_5=Tools window_6=Layer window_7=Options window_8=Pen Keep penm_0=Normal penm_1=WaterColor penm_2=Air Brush penm_3=EPen mask_0=Mask mask_1=ON mask_2=Reverse option_0=Float Canvas option_1=Turn Window option_author=Open Shi-chan's Site t000=Pencil t001=Water t002=AirBrush t003=Pen t004=EPen t005=Mosaic t010=Dodge t011=Burn t012=Soft t013=Text t014=Combine t020=Copy t021=Flip X t022=Flip Y t023=Rotate t030=Erase t031=ESmooth t032=EraseRect t033=EraseAll t040=Color t041=Texture t042=Font t043=Keep t050=Freehand t051=Curve t052=Line t053=Bezier t054=Solid Rect t055=Rect t056=Solid Oval t057=Oval t058=Fill t060=Normal t061=Mask t062=Reverse Mask Layer=Layer Combine=Merge Shift=Shift Font=Font Size=Size WSpace=White space Italic=Italic Bold=Bold Apply=Apply VText=Vertical AddLayer=Add layer DelLayer=Delete layer DelLayerQ=Delete? Undo data get resetted after merge. CombineV=Visible layers merge. CombineVQ=Merge visible layers? PropertyLayer=Property Normal=Normal Multiply=Multiply Reverse=Reverse MenuLayer=Menu IsPreview=Use preview kakunin_0=Would you like to open Shi-chan's website in a new window? kakunin_1=Are you sure you want to clear the canvas? yes=Yes no=No sUpload=Upload sF=Float sRedo=Redo sUndo=Undo sFill=Fill IsWindowView=Switch to floating mode? IsIndependent=Open as an independent window? IsPageView=Return to page mode? Restore=Would you like to restore the temporary applet image? IsSave=Are you done with your picture? Click Yes to submit your picture. TryAgain= Please click the upload button again. Send0= Sending your picture : EncJPEG=Encoding JPEG... EncPNG=Encoding PNG...