unit main; {* BINGO_Maker version CopyRight hironori KANEMITSU 2000/03/18 BINGO CARDを作成します。 *} interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, Buttons, ComCtrls, ToolWin, StdCtrls, FileCtrl; type TForm1 = class(TForm) StatusBar1: TStatusBar; Label1: TLabel; Edit2: TEdit; Label2: TLabel; Edit3: TEdit; Label3: TLabel; Label4: TLabel; Edit4: TEdit; Button1: TButton; Button2: TButton; GroupBox1: TGroupBox; RadioButton1: TRadioButton; RadioButton2: TRadioButton; Button3: TButton; procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); procedure Button2Click(Sender: TObject); procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject); procedure Button3Click(Sender: TObject); private { Private 宣言 } public { Public 宣言 } end; procedure gFIG_Init(aSize : integer); procedure gFIG_Rand; function make_STR (N : integer) : string; function make_dSTR(aRow : integer) : string; procedure make_gSTR1(nFig, cardNUM : integer); procedure make_gSTR2(nFig, cardNUM : integer); function mCount (const aBP, aSTR : string) : integer; function nthCopy(const aBP, aSTR : string ; nth : integer) : string; function no_SAME1(const aSTR, bSTR : string) : boolean; function no_SAME2(const aSTR, bSTR : string) : boolean; procedure out_BINGO(aRow : integer); var Form1 : TForm1; gSTR : TStrings; gFIG : array of string; const dBP = '|'; implementation {$R *.DFM} procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); {* 初期化 *} begin gSTR := TStringList.Create; Form1.Width := 206; Edit2.Text := IntToStr(5); Edit3.Text := IntToStr(24); Edit4.Text := IntToStr(10); StatusBar1.Panels[0].Text := ''; StatusBar1.Panels[1].Text := 'CopyRight hironori'; end; procedure TForm1.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); {* 終了処理 *} begin gSTR.Free; gFIG := nil; end; procedure gFIG_Init(aSize : integer); {* gFIGを初期化する *} var i : integer; begin SetLength(gFIG, aSize + 1); for i:=1 to aSize do begin gFIG[i] := IntToStr(i); end; end; procedure gFIG_Rand; {* gFIGの順列を作成する *} var i,j : integer; mValue : integer; d : string; begin mValue := High(gFIG); {* exchange between i_th and j_th data *} for i:= mValue downto 1 do begin j := Random(mValue) + 1; d := gFIG[j]; gFIG[j] := gFIG[i]; gFIG[i] := d; end; end; function make_STR(N : integer) : string; {* gFIGから文字数がN+1の文字列を作成する *} {* FREEを真中に挿入するのでN+1となる *} var i : integer; begin Result := dBP; for i:=1 to (N div 2) do begin Result := Result + gFIG[i] + dBP; end; {* FREEを真中に挿入する *} Result := Result + 'FREE' + dBP; for i:=(N div 2)+1 to N do begin Result := Result + gFIG[i] + dBP; end; end; function mCount(const aBP, aSTR : string) : integer; {* 文字列aSTRの中に区切り文字列aBPが何個含まれているか計算する *} var i : integer; mCnt : integer; begin Result := 0; mCnt := Length(aSTR); for i:=1 to mCnt do begin if aSTR[i] = aBP then Inc(Result); end; end; function nthCopy(const aBP, aSTR : string ; nth : integer) : string; {* 区切り文字列aBPで囲まれたnth番目の文字列を返す *} var c, mCnt, i : integer; sp, ep : integer; begin mCnt := Length(aSTR); {* spを求める *} c := 0; i := 1; while (c < nth) and (i <= mCnt) do begin if aSTR[i] = aBP then Inc(c); Inc(i); end; sp := i ; {* ep を求める*} c := 0; i := 1; while (c < (nth + 1)) and (i <= mCnt) do begin if aSTR[i] = aBP then Inc(c); Inc(i); end; ep := i - 2; {* 結果はCopyを使用して返す *} Result := Copy(aSTR, sp , ep - sp + 1); end; function no_SAME1(const aSTR, bSTR : string) : boolean; {* 厳密な比較 *} {* FREE以外の全てが異なる *} var aFIG, bFIG : array of string; BPc : integer; i : integer; begin BPc := mCount('|', aSTR); {* dynamic arrayの大きさを決定 *} SetLength(aFIG, BPc); SetLength(bFIG, BPc); Result := False; for i:= 1 to BPc -1 do begin {* aFIG bFIGにそれぞれaSTR bSTRから文字列をコピー *} aFIG[i] := nthCopy('|', aSTR, i); bFIG[i] := nthCopy('|', bSTR, i); {* aFIGとbFIGが共にFREEの場合はTrue *} if (aFIG[i] = 'FREE') and (bFIG[i] = 'FREE') then Result := True {* それ以外の場合は数字として比較 *} else if StrToInt(aFIG[i]) = StrToInt(bFIG[i]) then begin Result := False; Break; end else Result := True; end; {* dynamic arrayを解放 *} aFIG := nil; bFIG := nil; end; function no_SAME2(const aSTR, bSTR : string) : boolean; {* 緩い比較 *} {* 少なくとも一つが異なる *} begin if aSTR = bSTR then Result := False else Result := True; end; procedure make_gSTR1(nFig, cardNUM : integer); {* noSAME1を使用してgSTRを作成する *} var noFLAG : boolean; wrkSTR : string; i : integer; begin while gSTR.Count < CardNUM do begin {* 乱数を初期化 *} Randomize; gFIG_Rand; wrkSTR := make_STR(nFig); noFLAG := True; for i:=0 to gSTR.Count-1 do begin {* no_SAME1で比較 *} if no_SAME1(gSTR.Strings[i], wrkSTR) = False then begin noFLAG := False; Break; end; end; if noFLAG then gSTR.Append(wrkSTR); end; end; procedure make_gSTR2(nFig, cardNUM : integer); {* noSAME2を使用してgSTRを作成する *} var noFLAG : boolean; wrkSTR : string; i : integer; begin while gSTR.Count < CardNUM do begin Randomize; gFIG_Rand; wrkSTR := make_STR(nFig); noFLAG := True; for i:=0 to gSTR.Count-1 do begin if no_SAME2(gSTR.Strings[i], wrkSTR) = False then begin noFLAG := False; Break; end; end; if noFLAG = True then gSTR.Append(wrkSTR); end; end; function make_dSTR(aRow : integer) : string; var i : integer; begin Result := '+'; for i:=1 to aRow do begin Result := Result + '----+'; end; end; procedure out_BINGO(aRow : integer); {* File出力処理 *} var currDIR : string; i, j : integer; aTXT : TextFile; bTXT : TextFile; BPc : integer; aFIG : array of string; wrkSTR : string; dSTR : string; begin dSTR := make_dSTR(aRow); currDIR := GetCurrentDir; {* current Dir下にbingo_cardというDirを作成する *} if not DirectoryExists(currDIR+'\bingo_card') then CreateDir(currDIR+'\bingo_card'); {* all用のTEXTFILEを開く *} AssignFile(aTXT, currDIR+'\bingo_card\bingo.txt'); ReWrite(aTXT); for i:=0 to gSTR.Count-1 do begin {* each用のTEXTFILEを開く *} AssignFile(bTXT, currDIR+'\bingo_card\bingo'+IntToStr(i+1)+'.txt'); ReWrite(bTXT); {* headerを書く *} WriteLn(aTXT, '['+IntToStr(i+1)+'] BINGO CARD'); WriteLn(aTXT, dSTR); WriteLn(bTXT, '['+IntToStr(i+1)+'] BINGO CARD'); WriteLn(bTXT, dSTR); BPc := mCount(dBP, gSTR.Strings[i]); SetLength(aFIG, BPc); wrkSTR := dBP; {* wrkSTRを出力用に整形 *} for j:=1 to BPc-1 do begin aFIG[j] := nthCopy(dBP, gSTR.Strings[i], j); if (j mod aRow) = 0 then begin if aFIG[j] = 'FREE' then wrkSTR := wrkSTR + aFIG[j] + dBP else if StrToInt(aFIG[j]) >= 10 then wrkSTR := wrkSTR + ' ' + aFIG[j] + ' ' + dBP else wrkSTR := wrkSTR + ' ' + aFIG[j] + ' ' + dBP; {* wrkSTRの内容を書きこむ *} WriteLn(aTXT, wrkSTR); WriteLn(aTXT, dSTR); WriteLn(bTXT, wrkSTR); WriteLn(bTXT, dSTR); wrkSTR := dBP; end else begin if aFIG[j] = 'FREE' then wrkSTR := wrkSTR + aFIG[j] + dBP else if StrToInt(aFIG[j]) >= 10 then wrkSTR := wrkSTR + ' ' + aFIG[j] + ' ' + dBP else wrkSTR := wrkSTR + ' ' + aFIG[j] + ' ' + dBP; end; end; CloseFile(bTXT); end; CloseFile(aTXT); aFIG := nil; end; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); {* 作成 *} var toN : integer; RR : integer; CardNum : integer; begin {* ユーザーの入力を受け付ける *} RR := StrToInt(Edit2.Text); toN := StrToInt(Edit3.Text); CardNum := StrToInt(Edit4.Text); StatusBar1.Panels[0].Text := ''; gFIG_Init(toN); gSTR.Clear; {* RadioButtonで比較処理を分岐 *} if RadioButton1.Checked then make_gSTR1(RR*RR-1, CardNum) else make_gSTR2(RR*RR-1, CardNum); {* FILEに出力 *} out_BINGO(RR); {* 処理終了の表示 *} StatusBar1.Panels[0].Text := 'finished'; end; procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject); {* Formの表示変更 *} begin if Form1.Width = 338 then begin Form1.Width := 206; Button2.Caption := '<<'; end else begin Form1.Width := 338; Button2.Caption := '>>'; end; end; procedure TForm1.Button3Click(Sender: TObject); {* 破棄 *} var currDIR : string; i : integer; delFLAG : boolean; begin currDIR := GetCurrentDir; {* Formの初期化 *} StatusBar1.Panels[0].Text := ''; Form1.Width := 206; Edit2.Text := IntToStr(5); Edit3.Text := IntToStr(24); Edit4.Text := IntToStr(10); {* FILEの削除 *} {* wild cardは使用できない *} delFLAG := DeleteFile(currDIR+'\bingo_card\bingo.txt'); for i:=0 to gSTR.Count-1 do begin delFLAG := DeleteFile(currDIR +'\bingo_card\bingo'+IntToStr(i+1)+'.txt'); end; {* FILEの削除処理の成否を表示 *} if delFLAG then StatusBar1.Panels[0].Text := 'deleted' else StatusBar1.Panels[0].Text := 'failed '; end; end.