- /* slong.h by K.Tsuru */
- // file ID = 20
- #ifndef S_LONG_H
- #define S_LONG_H
- /******************
- SLong class
- *******************/
- class SLong : public SNumber{
- friend class SInteger;
- friend class SDouble; // LLMult() accesible
- friend struct Ldiv_t; // SetType() accesible
- SLong& operator=(const SInteger& si); // has no body
- protected :
- void SetString(const char *s); //set a number by string into figure[] 201
- void SetDouble(double d); // double or long 202
- void SetSDouble(const SDouble& sd); // 203
- int CharNthFig(long n) const; //see source file "slmput.cpp" 204
- public :
- // fft is usable or not
- bool FFTMultUsable() const; // inline function defined bellow
- // Radix conversion DRADIX --> BRADIX XConvToBin() was moved into the class SInteger.
- //set a short number, m = 1 can be used but for speed
- void SetLong(long v); // 205
- void SetShort(short v); // 206 v within two figures
- void SetSmall(signed char v); // 207 one figure
- void SetInt(int v){ SetLong(v); } // an inline function Ver.2.18
- //It estimates the number of figures in binary radix(BRADIX).
- uint FigInBRadix(){
- double f = (double)Head()*(double)DFIGURES/log10((double)BRADIX) + 1.0;
- return (uint)f;
- }
- // constructor
- SLong():SNumber(DEC_INT){}
- SLong(double d):SNumber(DEC_INT){ SetDouble(d); }
- SLong(const char* s):SNumber(DEC_INT){ SetString(s); }
- //If this constructor exists SD*SL yelds an ambiguous error in which
- //it cannot distinguish SD*SD or SL*SL.It is natural to convert SD*SL into SD*SD.
- //Use SL = SD.
- #if 0
- SLong(const SDouble& a):SNumber(DEC_INT){
- SetSDouble(a);
- }
- #endif
- /*
- Specifying the type and size.
- When the necessary size is previously known use this constructor.
- When v_sz > minArraySize it takes into the irreducible size mode.
- When v_sz = 0 it does not allocate the memory of figure[].
- */
- SLong(NumberType tp, uint v_sz):SNumber(tp, v_sz){
- if(v_sz) SetZero(); //initialized by zero
- }
- //Specifying an initial value.
- SLong(NumberType tp, uint v_sz, double initialValue):SNumber(tp, v_sz){
- SetDouble(initialValue);
- }
- // destructor
- ~SLong(){}
- // copy constructor
- SLong(const SLong& a):SNumber(a){}
- //substitution operators
- SLong& operator=(const char *s) { SetString(s); return *this; }
- SLong& operator=(double m){ SetDouble(m); return *this; }
- SLong& operator=(const SDouble& sd){
- SetSDouble(sd); return *this;
- }
- #if 0
- //These are not implemented. See SInteger class for the reason.
- SLong(const SInteger& si):SNumber(DEC_INT){
- SetSInteger(si);
- }
- SLong& operator=(const SInteger& si){
- SetSInteger(si); return *this;
- }
- #endif
- SLong& operator=(const SFraction& sf); // return *this = sf.NumNR()/sf.DenNR(); // defined in "sfract.h"
- // Above cannot be the inline function because SFraction's functions are not given here.
- SLong& operator=(const SLong& a){
- if(this != &a) SNumber::CopyValue(a, SUBS);
- return *this;
- }
- SLong& operator=(const Ldiv_t& a); // inline function
- //It compares two absolute values and returns the same value as that of strcmp().
- friend int LLCompare(const SLong& m, const SLong& n); // 206
- //sub-functions for the fundamental operators.
- friend SLong LLAdd(const SLong& m, const SLong& n); // m+n (m and n have same sign) 207
- friend SLong LLSub(const SLong& m, const SLong& n); // m-n 208
- friend SLong LLMult(const SLong& m, const SLong& n);// m*n 209
- //normal method for the multilication
- friend SLong NLLMult(const SLong& m, const SLong& n);// 210
- //divide multiplication for the size less than fftMaxSize
- friend SLong DivLLMult(const SLong& m, const SLong& n); // 211
- friend SLong LsMult(const SLong& m, ulong n); // 212
- //If rem != NULL it sets remainder into *rem.
- friend SLong LsDiv(const SLong& m, ulong n, long* rem = NULL);// 213
- /*
- division for long numbers
- In KnuthLLDiv or NewtonLLDiv it is assumed thet the checking m > n > ULONG_MAX/m.Radix()
- etc is already done in LLDiv().Pay attention for the direct call.
- NewtonLLDiv can be used for SLong with radix DRADIX.
- If you do not need the remainder set "rem" by false.
- To avoid wrong use these functions are the protected members. ver. 2.81
- */
- protected:
- Ldiv_t NewtonLLDiv(const SLong& m, const SLong& n, bool needRem);// 214
- Ldiv_t KnuthLLDiv(const SLong& m, const SLong& n, bool needRem); // 215
- static int llDivMode;
- public:
- friend Ldiv_t LLDiv(const SLong& m, const SLong& n, bool needRem); // 216
- friend SLong LLDiv(const SLong& m, const SLong& n); // 217 introduced since ver. 2.30
- enum { reset = 0, Knuth = 1, Newton = 2, SetByUser = 8 };
- // Do not add ") const {" to static functions
- static void SetLLDivMode(int dm) { llDivMode = dm ? (dm | SetByUser) : dm; }
- static int LLDivMode() { return llDivMode & 3; } // return lower 2 bits.
- static void UseKnuthLLDiv() { SetLLDivMode(Knuth); }
- static void UseNewtonLLDiv(){ SetLLDivMode(Newton); }
- //It designates to use whether KnuthLLDiv or NewtonLLDiv routine.
- //For many figures the Newton's method is faster.
- static bool KnuthLLDivIsFaster(const SLong& m, const SLong& n) {
- uint mf = m.Head(), nf = n.Head();
- return (diff(mf, nf) > 10u) && (mf + nf < 400u); // diff(a,b) = |a-b|
- }
- static bool NewtonLLDivIsFaster(const SLong& m, const SLong& n) {
- return !KnuthLLDivIsFaster(m, n);
- }
- /*
- For huge number over 'fftMaxArraySize'.
- */
- private:
- // huge * huge
- // default values : hhMultMode = Karatsuba_HH_MULT, pfHHMult = DisKHHMult ver. 2.17
- // default values : usesKaratsuba_HH_Mult = true
- // static int hhMultMode; //
- static bool usesKaratsuba_HH_Mult;
- // static void (*pfHHMult)(const SLong& x, const SLong& y, SLong& z); // 209
- public:
- // Do not add ") const {" to static functions
- static void KaratsubaMultSwitch(bool a) { usesKaratsuba_HH_Mult = a; }
- static bool UsesKaratsubaMult() { return usesKaratsuba_HH_Mult; }
- /*
- FFT multiplication.
- It does not depend on radix.
- */
- uint FFTMaxArraySize() const {
- return (Type() == DEC_INT) ? fftMaxArraySize : fftMaxArraySize/8u; // "/4u" --> "/8u" since version 2.30
- }
- // protected: for test
- // member functions in protected section from friend ones.
- // z = x*y
- void LLMultFFT(const SLong& x, const SLong& y, SLong& z, uint n); // z = x*y 217
- protected:
- /*
- z = (huge x) * (huge y)
- */
- //normal method (default) It needs rather small memory.
- //In the following three functions it must be satisfied that &z!=&x and &z!=&y.
- //Using as xxxHHNult(x,y,x) yileds a run time error.
- // Normal method using distribution law
- void NHHMult(const SLong& x, const SLong& y, SLong& z); // 218
- // Karatsuba's multiplication using recursive calls.
- //z = (huge x) * (huge y) for x.Size() >= y.Size(), distribution method(Karatsuba's multiplication)
- void KaratsubaHHMult(const SLong& x, const SLong& y, SLong& z); // 219
- //z = (huge x) * (huge y) for x.Size() == y.Size() same size
- //It provides the Karatsuba's multiplication using recursive calls.
- //It needs a large memory.
- void KHHMult(const SLong& x, const SLong& y, SLong& z); // 220
- /*
- It puts the lower part of x into "lower" and the upper part into "upper".
- sub-function for KHHMult()
- */
- void SLDivHalf(const SLong& x, SLong& lower, SLong& upper); // 221
- /*
- It cuts out from src[pos] with a length "size" and puts into
- dest[0]...dest[size-1]. It attaches the same sign to "dest" as that of "src".
- If pos > src.Head() dest=0.
- */
- void SLCutOut(SLong& dest, const SLong& src, uint pos, uint size); // 222
- public:
- //fundamental operators
- friend SLong operator+(const SLong& m, const SLong& n); // m+n not "return LLAdd(m, n)" 224
- friend SLong operator-(const SLong& m, const SLong& n); // m-n not "return LLSub(m, n)" 225
- //multiplication/division If n is small LsMult() or LsDiv() is faster. // 226
- friend SLong operator*(const SLong& m, double d); // m*d 227
- friend SLong operator*(double d, const SLong& n){ return n*d; }
- // friend SLong operator/(const SLong& m, const SLong& n); // defined below as inline function since ver. 2.30
- friend SLong operator/(const SLong& m, double d); // 229
- friend SLong operator%(const SLong& m, const SLong& n); // 230
- friend SLong operator%(const SLong& m, double d); // 231
- SLong& operator+=(const SLong& n) { return (*this = *this + n); }
- SLong& operator-=(const SLong& n) { return (*this = *this - n); }
- SLong& operator*=(const SLong& n) { return *this = LLMult(*this, n); }
- SLong& operator*=(double d) { return (*this = *this * d); }
- SLong& operator/=(const SLong& n) { return *this = LLDiv(*this, n); }
- SLong& operator/=(double d) { return (*this = *this / d); }
- SLong& operator%=(const SLong& n) { return (*this = *this % n); }
- SLong& operator%=(double d) { return (*this = *this % d); }
- void LsAdd(fType a); //It adds a small value. It is used in the radix convesion. 232
- //I do not have LsSub().
- void LsPlus(fType a); //sub-function for operator++() 233
- void LsMinus(fType a); //operator--() 234
- //It divides by two. Except a large routine use m/2 or LsDiv(m,2).
- //To judge even or odd see the value of n(0) % 2.
- friend SLong LDiv2(const SLong& n); // 235
- /*
- It divides m by the p-th power of two, i.e. q=m/(2^p),
- where 2^p < ULONG_MAX/radix. It returns the remainder.
- Comparing a statement
- q = LsDiv(m, 1uL << p);
- it is faster a few times. It is used in ReduceByPow2Rdx(), etc.
- */
- friend long LDivPow2(const SLong& m, SLong& q, uint p); // 236
- //prefix increment and decrement operators
- SLong& operator++(){ LsPlus(1); return *this; }
- SLong& operator--(){ LsMinus(1); return *this; }
- //postfix incremant and decrement operators
- //See the source file "slopppsf.cpp" for details.
- const SLong operator++(int){// to inline function since ver. 2.30
- SLong oldValue(*this); // keep the old value
- LsPlus(1); // add one
- return oldValue; // return the old value
- }
- const SLong operator--(int){// see above
- SLong oldValue(*this);
- LsMinus(1);
- return oldValue;
- }
- // bit(& | >> <<) operators
- friend SLong operator&(const SLong& m, const SLong& n); // 241
- friend SLong operator|(const SLong& m, const SLong& n); // 242
- friend SLong operator>>(const SLong& m, ulong n); // 243
- friend SLong operator<<(const SLong& m, ulong n); // 244
- SLong& operator>>=(ulong n) { return (*this = *this >> n); }
- SLong& operator<<=(ulong n) { return (*this = *this << n); }
- SLong& operator&=(const SLong& n) { return (*this = *this & n); }
- SLong& operator|=(const SLong& n) { return (*this = *this | n); }
- private: // Has no body and cannot use.
- SLong operator^(const SLong& m) const;
- SLong& operator^=(const SLong& n);
- SLong operator~() const;
- public:
- //It multiplies by n-th power of radix(DRADIX, BRADIX).
- SLong& MultPowRdx(int n){
- if(Sign(21) && n) ShiftArray(n);
- if(Sign() && (n < 0) ) DoCutDown();
- return *this;
- }
- //It multiplies by p-th power of ten 10. DRADIX only
- SLong& MultPow10(long p); // 251
- //It returns the number of figures in a decimal system. DRADIX only
- long DFigures() const; // 252
- //sign operators
- SLong operator+() const { return *this; }
- SLong operator-() const { // Move into inline since ver. 2.30
- SLong r(*this);
- r.ChangeSign(253);
- return r;
- }
- // |*this| == 1 or not. When true it returns the sign(1 or -1).
- int IsOne() const {
- if(aHead) return 0;
- return figure(0) == 1 ? Sign(22) : 0;
- }
- //It returns the lower two figures by unsigned long. It does not to check
- //that the value is initialized or not.
- ulong Low2() const {
- return (ulong)figure(1)*(ulong)Radix() + (ulong)figure(0);
- }
- /****************************************************************************
- output functions
- Put() : not carridge return, Puts() : feed new line
- Insert delimiter given by "delmt" at intervals of "fig" characters.
- If delmt == 0, no delimiter is inserted.
- If fU (figUnit) == 0, it continuously outputs with neither delimiter nor carridge return.
- perLine = the number of blocks which contains "fig" decimal per line
- default : perLine = 0 automatically set perLine = displayWidth/(fig+1)
- Give to "lineFormat" a value of bit sum of the following enumeration numbers
- NO_CR : no '\n'
- CRLF : Considering the width of display it puts a '\n' after putting an appropriate
- digits.
- CONTINUE : By putting '\' at the line end it makes a continuous line.
- END_CR : It adds a '\n' at the last of output.
- ***********************************************************************/
- static long figUnit;
- static int perLine;
- static int lineFormat;
- static int delmt;
- static long ioCount; // the number of input or output characters
- enum { NO_CR = 0, CRLF = 1, CONTINUE = 2, END_CR =4 };
- static void SetFormat(long fU, long pL = 0, int lF = CRLF, int dm = ' ');
- static void DefaultFormat(); // It restores the default values.
- long Put(long fU=10, int pL = 0, int lF = CRLF, int dlmt=' ') const; // 261
- // If fU < 0 parameters by SetFormat() are used example Put(-1);
- long Puts(long fU=10, int pL = 0, int lF = CRLF, int dlmt=' ') const;
- //It outputs the inner expression.
- long RawPut(int crlf = 0) const; // 262
- long RawPuts() const { return RawPut(1); }
- friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const SLong& sl); // 263 added since version 2.21
- };
- /******************** End of SLong class ********************/
- inline SLong operator/(const SLong& m, const SLong& n){
- return LLDiv(m, n);
- }
- inline SLong operator*(const SLong& m, const SLong& n) {
- return LLMult(m, n);
- }
- //The FFT multiplication can be done by calling once or not.
- inline bool SLong::FFTMultUsable() const {
- return ( 2u*aHead < fftMaxArraySize ) && FFTUse() && (aHead >= FFTMinSize());
- }
- //It returns the number of figures. SLong class only
- inline long SLong::DFigures() const{
- if( !Sign(23) ) return 0;
- return (long)iFigures(figure(aHead)) + (long)aHead*(long)DFIGURES;
- }
- inline long SLong::Puts(long fig, int perLine, int lineFormat, int delmt) const {
- long l = Put(fig, perLine, lineFormat|END_CR, delmt);
- FPutc('\n');
- return l+1;
- }
- /***********************************************************************
- It defines a structure which has a quotient and a remainder as members,
- i.e. the SLong version of div_t.
- x = q*y + r
- The quotient is decided by q = x/y and the remainder by r = x - q*y.
- It can be r < 0. For example
- x = -5, y = -2
- (-5)/(-2) = 2 = q, -5 = 2*(-2) -1
- then r = -1.
- *************************************************************************/
- struct Ldiv_t{
- friend class SLong;
- SLong quot; //quotient : a public member
- SLong rem; //remainder
- //default constructor
- Ldiv_t(): quot(), rem(){}
- // Ldiv_t f(){ return 0.0; } can be used.
- Ldiv_t(double q):quot(q), rem(0.0){}
- // return Ldiv_t(q, m);
- Ldiv_t(const SLong& q, const SLong& r):quot(q), rem(r){}
- // return q
- Ldiv_t(const SLong& q):quot(q), rem(q.Type(), minArraySize){}
- // copy constructor.
- Ldiv_t(const Ldiv_t& m); // 275
- //substitution oparator
- Ldiv_t& operator=(const Ldiv_t& a){
- if(this != &a){
- quot = a.quot; rem = a.rem;
- }
- return *this;
- }
- };
- //substitution operator SLong = Ldiv_t
- //a member of SLong class
- //This is defined here where the structure of Ldiv_t is known.
- inline SLong& SLong::operator=(const Ldiv_t& a){
- return *this = a.quot;
- }
- /* defined in template
- inline istream& operator>>(istream& s, SLong& a) // added since version 2.21
- {
- string buf;
- std::getline(s, buf); // usage : cin >> a; ( s = cin )
- a = buf.data();
- return s;
- }
- */
- static const SLong SL_ONE(1.0);
- #endif // S_LONG_H
slong.h : last modifiled at 2017/07/17 16:58:58(15,716 bytes)
created at 2016/04/11 11:18:58
The creation time of this html file is 2017/10/11 16:07:52 (Wed Oct 11 16:07:52 2017).