- /* snfunc.h by K.Tsuru */
- /*********************
- SN library
- Mathematical functions' sorting list.
- **********************/
- #ifndef SN_FUNCTIONS_H
- #define SN_FUNCTIONS_H
- // function ID
- /*****************************************************************
- Comparing two values from the position of one, return how many digits
- agree each other.In the case of SDouble the exponent is not considerd
- and the head zeros are not counted.
- If an error ocuured return a negative value as follows.
- not DRADIX : -1
- different type : -2
- not in standard form : -3
- *******************************************************************/
- long AgreeUpTo(const SNumber& a, const SNumber& b); // 1000
- // SLong class
- SLong LFact(ulong n); // factorial n! in SLong arithmetric for reference 2001
- SLong FactPF(ulong N); // factorial N! by prime factorization method
- // 2009 since ver 2.82
- SLong TournamentProduct(const SNBlock <SLong>& a, const uint N);// 2010 since ver 2.182
- SLong BothSideProduct(const SNBlock <SLong>& a, const uint N, bool sort = true); // 2011 since ver 2.182
- struct primeFactor {
- int prime;
- int power;
- };
- SLong PrimeFactorProduct(const SNBlock <primeFactor>& pf, int n);// 2012 since ver 2.182
- /************* assistant functions for trigonometric ones **************/
- /****************************************************************
- arcsin by series
- Set "fe" a value of "fixedExp".For the calculation of sum
- y = a + AsinSeries(x);
- in the case of |a|>>|x|, set fe = a.RdxExp() to avoid calculating useless precision.
- This is a measure to decrease terms, because convergence of arcsin's series is
- very slow.
- If fe = INT_MAX > DRADIX_EXP_MAX, set fe = x.RdxExp().
- *****************************************************************/
- SDouble AsinSeries(const SDouble& x, int fe = INT_MAX); //3204
- SDouble AsinBSNW(const SDouble& x);
- SDouble CosRN(const SDouble& x); // x/(R^N) |x|< pi/4. The assistant function of CosS_RN(x) 3205
- SDouble SinRN(const SDouble& x); // ditto 3206
- SDouble TanRN(const SDouble& x); // 3106 Old version's name is "SDouble Tan(const SDouble& x)".
- SDouble CosS_RN(const SDouble& x); // Cos(x)
- SDouble SinS_RN(const SDouble& x); // Sin(x)
- SDouble CosDiv(const SDouble& x); //x=short+long&small |x| < pi/4 3207(ref)
- SDouble SinDiv(const SDouble& x); // 3208(ref)
- SDouble CosSeries(const SDouble& x, int first = 1); //for first = 1 return cos(x), first=0 cos(x)-1 3209
- SDouble SinSeries(const SDouble& x); //3210
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Get a calculation method for sin(x), cos(x) or tan(x) functions.
- y = x - n*(pi/2) ( n is an integer, |y| <= pi/4 ).
- Return the sign which attatch to calculation result.
- If sign = 0, y has an exact value as y = -1.0, 0.0 or 1.0
- Give *func a value COS_CALC, SIN_CALC or TAN_CALC, an appropriate function
- is set in it.
- SDecimal (*pfBSeries)(const SDouble& x), int maxExp, const char* func);
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- enum { COS_CALC = 1, SIN_CALC = 2, TAN_CALC = 3, COT_CALC = 4};
- int GetTriCalcMethod(const SDouble& x, SDouble& y, int* func, int* quadrant = NULL);//3201
- SDecimal BsinSeries(const SDouble& x);
- // exponential and hyperbolic functions
- enum { COSH_CALC = 1, SINH_CALC = -1};
- // if first != 0 calculate exp(x), else exp(x) - 1 for small x
- SDouble ExpSeries(const SDouble& x, int first = 1); // 3306
- SDouble CoshSeries(const SDouble& x, int first); // 3307
- SDouble CoshSeries(const SDouble& x);//CoshSeries(x, 1) 3307
- SDouble SinhSeries(const SDouble& x); // 3308
- // artan(x) =0.5*log{(1+x)/(1-x)} |x| << 1.0
- SDouble AtanhSeries(const SDouble& x); // 3312
- SDouble ExpDS(const SDouble& x); // divide and series method 3313
- SDouble ExpL(const SDouble& x); // exp(x) using Log(x) 3314
- /******************************************************
- ExpBSR(n, d) returns exp(n/d) with SLong n and d using binary splitting method. 3315 ver. 2.18
- ******************************************************/
- SDouble ExpBSR(const SLong& n, const SLong& d); // 3316 ver. 2.18
- /******************************************************
- "ExpBSR(n, d, a, c)" returns the value exp(n/d) as a rational number a/c.
- ******************************************************/
- void ExpBSR(const SLong& n, const SLong& d, SLong& a, SLong& c);// 3317 ver. 2.18
- /***************************************************
- It evaluates exp(x) using "ExpBSR(...)" above.
- ****************************************************/
- SDouble ExpBS(const SDouble& x); // 3318 ver. 2.18
- SNManager::SNErrorFlag ExpArgCheck(const SDouble& x, int funcID);// 3319 ver. 2.18
- /*
- It evaluates cos(x) and sin(x) using the binary splitting method. ver. 2.18
- */
- struct TrigFuncValues {
- int quadrant;
- SDouble angle, cos, sin, tan;
- TrigFuncValues() {}
- TrigFuncValues(const SDouble& a, const SDouble& c, const SDouble& s, const SDouble& t)
- : angle(a), cos(c), sin(s), tan(t) {}
- TrigFuncValues(const TrigFuncValues& a);
- TrigFuncValues& operator=(const TrigFuncValues& a);
- };
- int CosSinBS(const SDouble& x, SDouble& cosVal, SDouble& sinVal); // 3320
- TrigFuncValues CosSinBS(const SDouble& x, bool getTan = false); // 3321
- SDouble CosBS(const SDouble& x); // 3322 ver. 2.18
- SDouble SinBS(const SDouble& x); // 3323 ver. 2.18
- SDouble TanBS(const SDouble& x); // 3324 ver. 2.18
- /**************************************************************
- It evaluates hyperbolic functions using binary splitting method.
- ***************************************************************/
- void Hyperbolic(const SDouble& x, SDouble& ch, SDouble& sh);
- SDouble CoshBS(const SDouble& x); // 3325 ver. 2.18
- SDouble SinhBS(const SDouble& x); // 3326 ver. 2.18
- SDouble TanhBS(const SDouble& x); // 3327 ver. 2.18
- SDouble TanhBSLx(const SDouble& x); //for large x rename "TanBS(x)" since version 2.21
- SDouble Log1_X(const SDouble& x); // log(1 - x) |x|<<1.0 3403
- SDouble LogE(const SDouble& x); // log(x) using Exp(x) 3404
- SDouble LogAGM(const SDouble& x); // log(x) using AGM. 3405
- SDouble LogNW(const SDouble& x); //log(x) using Newton's method 3406 ver. 2.18
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Get a calculation method for log(x) functions.
- x = X * 10^exp
- log(x) = log(X)+exp*log(10), add = exp*log(10)
- It returns "true" if x = 1 or 10, set X = 0 or log(10).
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- bool GetLogxCalcMethod(const SDouble& x, SDouble& X, SDouble& add); //3408
- // constants
- /*************************************************
- Entry constants
- userV : a value given by user
- snV : result, snV != NULL
- pfCalcFunc: default function of calculation
- maxSize : figure of *snV
- Used for Pi(), E(), Log10() functions
- **************************************************/
- void EntryConst(const SDouble* userV, SDouble* snV,
- SDouble (*pfCalcFunc)(), uint* maxSize); // 3500
- SDouble SNE(); // The base of natural logarithm using BSE() below. 3501
- SDouble SNLog10(); // log(10.0) 3502
- SDouble SNPi(); // pi : 3503 Chudnovskys' formura is used since ver 2.30
- //inline SDouble SNPi() { return ChudnovskysPi(); } is not used. Because Pi() needs the function pointer of SNPi().
- SDouble GaussPi(); // pi(Gauss's formula) 3504 rename since ver 2.18
- SDouble MachinPi(); // pi(Machin's formula) 3505 rename since ver 2.18
- //RPi() is fast but out of memory occure in the FFT for the calculation 1/sqrt(2.0)
- //and reciprocal.
- SDouble RamanujanPi(); //pi by Ramanujan's formula 3508 rename since ver 2.30
- SDouble RamanujanPi2(); //pi by Ramanujan's formula 3512 since ver 2.30
- SDouble StomerPi(); //pi by Stomer's formula 3509 rename since ver 2.18
- SDouble KlingenstiernaPi(); //pi by Klingenstierna 3510 rename since ver 2.18
- SDouble MPi2(); // pi/2 3511
- SDouble MPi4(); // pi/4 3550
- SDouble RecLog10(); // 1/log(10.0) 3551
- SDouble AGMPi(); //pi by AGM method 3552
- //pi by Borweins' method improved by by Takahashi and Kanada.
- SDouble BorweinsPi(); // 3553 rename since ver 2.18
- //Evaluation of e by binary splitting algorithm
- SDouble BSE(); // default method of e 3554 ver. 2.17
- SDouble ChudnovskysPi(); // pi by Chudnovskys' formura 3555 ver. 2.17 rename since ver 2.30
- /**************************
- arctan functions in DRADIX
- ***************************/
- // arctan2 function(reference)
- SDouble Datan2L(ulong num, ulong den); //3601
- // arctan(x) = arcsin(x/sqrt(1+x*x))
- SDouble AtanA(const SDouble& x); //3602
- // arctan(x) = arctan(y) + arctan( (x-y)/(1+x*y) )
- SDouble AtanT(const SDouble& x); //3603
- /******************************************************************
- arctan(x) by series
- arctan x = x - x^3/3 + x^5/5 -....
- For the meaning of "fe", see "AsinSeries()".
- Usually set fe = x.RdxExp().
- ******************************************************************/
- SDouble AtanSeries(const SDouble& x, int fe); //3604
- /***********************************************************************
- Set a constant on memory by reading from a text file.
- 1. fname = file name
- 2. Set pfunc = Log10, E or Pi. Do not check that the given value is correct.
- 3. Set "pfCalcFunc" a function pointer for the calculation.If sufficient length
- (accuracy)in the file, NULL is ok.If pfCalcFunc == NULL and length is not enough,
- a syntax error occures in "EntryConst()".
- 4. Set "ef" your effective figures in DRADIX. If ef = 0, set current effective
- figures given by "EffFig()".
- An example:
- SetConstByFile("pi.snc", Pi, NULL, 10000u);
- 10000*4 = 40000 digits in decimal are read from "pi.snc" file and set in "Pi()".
- return 1 : enough length in file
- return 0 : not enough, then needs calculation calling (*pfCalcFunc)()
- *************************************************************************/
- bool SetConstByFile(const char* fname,
- SDouble (*pfunc)(const SDouble* c, SDouble (*pf)()),
- SDouble (*pfCalcFunc)(), uint ef); // 3700
- // SLong and SInteger class
- SInteger BFact(ulong n); // n! in BRADIX 4102
- SInteger BdFact(ulong n);// n!(partially multiplication method)BRADIX and FFT 4106
- SInteger Ipow(const SInteger& x, ulong n); // n-th power of x(x^n) 4106
- SLong combPF(ulong n, ulong k);// combination number(binomial) nCk using "PrimeFactor" 4107 since ver 2.182
- SLong permL(const ulong n, const ulong r); // permutation number nPr 4108 since ver 2.182
- /********** Using SDecimal arithmetric *****************/
- // arctan(num/den); for num < den
- SDecimal Batan2(ulong num, ulong den); // 5101
- SDecimal BE(); // base of natural logarithms 5102
- SDecimal BGaussPi(); // pi by Gauss's fromula 5103 rename since ver 2.18
- SDecimal BMachinPi(); // pi by Machin's formula 5104 rename since ver 2.18
- // Batan2 convert to DRADIX
- SDouble Atan2L(ulong num, ulong den); // 5105
- SDecimal BStomerPi(); // pi by Stomer's formula 5106 rename since ver 2.18
- SDecimal BKlingenstiernaPi(); // pi by Klingenstierna 5107
- /**********************************************************
- trigonometric functions in BRAIDX
- Not so fast. Nearly same as Cos() and Sin().
- Cos(), Sin() are faster for short decimal as x = 0.1;
- BcosSeries and BsinSeries are used as assistant functions of SDouble ones.
- ************************************************************/
- SDecimal Bcos(const SDouble& x); //5201
- SDecimal BcosSeries(const SDouble& x); //5202
- SDecimal Bsin(const SDouble& x); //5203
- SDecimal BsinSeries(const SDouble& x); //5204
- // reference function
- SDecimal BexpSeries(const SDouble& x); //5211
- /************************
- inline functions group
- **************************/
- // abusolute value
- inline SLong Labs(const SLong& x){
- if(x.Sign() < 0 ) return -x;
- return x;
- }
- inline SDouble Dabs(const SDouble& x){
- if(x.SNSign() < 0) return -x;
- return x;
- }
- inline SInteger Iabs(const SInteger& x){
- if(x.Sign() < 0 ) return -x;
- return x;
- }
- inline SDecimal Xabs(const SDecimal& x){
- if(x.Sign() < 0) return -x;
- return x;
- }
- /// over loaded function absolute value "abs(x)"
- inline SDouble abs(const SDouble& x){ return Dabs(x); } // over load
- inline SLong abs(const SLong& x){ return Labs(x); } // over load
- inline SInteger abs(const SInteger& x) { return Iabs(x); }
- inline SDecimal abs(const SDecimal& x) { return Xabs(x); }
- #endif // SN_FUNCTIONS_H
snfunc.h : last modifiled at 2017/09/07 16:25:50(12,822 bytes)
created at 2016/04/11 11:18:58
The creation time of this html file is 2017/10/11 16:07:52 (Wed Oct 11 16:07:52 2017).