Basic mathematical functions

  See also snmath_h for inline functions.

Acos(const SDouble& x) --- arccos x
Acosh(const SDouble& x) --- arcosh x
AGMPi() --- the value of pi
Asin(const SDouble& x) --- arcsin x
AsinBSNW(const SDouble&) --- arcsin x
Asinh(const SDouble& x) --- arsinh x
AsinSeries(const SDouble&, int) --- arcsin x
Atan2(const SDouble& y, const SDouble& x) ---arctan y /x
Atan2L(ulong, ulong)
AtanA(const SDouble& x) ---arctan x
Atanh(const SDouble& x) --- artanh x
AtanhSeries(const SDouble& x) --- artanh x
AtanSeries(const SDouble& x, int) ---arctan x
AtanT(const SDouble& x) ---arctan x
Cbrt(const SDouble& x) ---the cubic root of x
CosDiv(const SDouble&) --- cos x
CoshSeries(const SDouble&, int) --- cosh x
CosRN(const SDouble& x) --- cos x
CosS_RN(const SDouble& x) --- cos x
CosSeries(const SDouble& x, int first) --- cos x  or  cos x -1
DcosSeries(const SDouble& x, int f) --- cos x  or  cos x -1
DDAdd(const SDouble& x, const SDouble& y) --- x + y
DDCompare(const SDouble& x, const SDouble& y) --- It compares the value of |x| with |y|.
DDMult(const SDouble& x, const SDouble& y) --- x  * y
DDiv2(const SDouble& x) --- /2
DDSub(const SDouble& x, const SDouble& y) --- x  - y
doubleD(const SDouble&, int) --- convert SDouble to double
Dpow(const SDouble& x, long n) --- x n
Dpow10(long n) --- 10 p
DpowD(const SDouble& x, const SDouble& p) --- x p
DRand(uint ,FType ,int) --- SDouble or SDecimal random number
DReciprocal(const SDouble& x) --- 1⁄x
DsDiv(const SDouble& m, ulong n) --- mn
DSeriesIsFast(const SDouble& x)
DsinSeries(const SDouble& x) --- sin x
DsMult(const SDouble& m, ulong n) --- m * n
Exp(const SDouble& x) --- e x
ExpArgCheck(const SDouble& x, int f)
ExpBS(const SDouble& X) --- e x
ExpBSR(const SLong& n, const SLong& d, ... --- exp(nd )
ExpDS(const SDouble& x) --- e x
Expower(long n) --- e n
Fmod(const SDouble&, const SDouble&, SDouble&) --- SDouble version of fmod
GetTriCalcMethod(const SDouble&,SDouble&,int*,int*)
Hyperbolic(const SDouble& x, ...
Hyperbolic(const SDouble& x, SDouble& ch, SDouble& sh) --- cosh x  and sinh x
Log1_X(const SDouble& x) --- log (1 - x )
LogAGM(const SDouble& x) --- log x
LogBSNW(const SDouble& x) --- log x
LogE(const SDouble& x) --- log x
Modf(const SDouble& x, SDouble& ip) --- SDouble version of modf
operator*(const SDouble& x, const SDouble& y) --- x  * y
operator/(const SDouble& x, const SDouble& y) --- x  / y
Qrrt(const SDouble& x) ---the quartic root of x
RecCbrt(const SDouble& a) ---the reciprocal cubic root of x
RecQrrt(const SDouble& a) ---the reciprocal quartic root of x
RecSqrt(const SDouble& x) ---the reciprocal square root of x
SDZero(const SDouble&)
SFToSD(const SFraction& x) --- convert SFraction to SDouble
SinDiv(const SDouble& x) --- sin x
SinhSeries(const SDouble& x) --- sin x
SinRN(const SDouble& x) --- sin x
SinS_RN(const SDouble&) --- sin x
SinSeries(const SDouble& x) --- sin x
SNLogAGM(const SDouble& x) --- log x
SplitSDouble(const SDouble&, SNBlock &, const SLong&) --- See also header file of template class BinarySplitting .
Sqrt(const SDouble& x) ---the square root of x
TanhBSLx(const SDouble&) --- tanh x
TanRN(const SDouble& x) --- tan x