SFraction class

Header file is here.

BernNum(uint n) --- n-th Bernoulli's number
BernNumTable(SNBlock <SFraction>&, uint) --- the table of Bernoulli's numbers
FFAdd(const SFraction& x, const SFraction& y) --- x + y
FFCompare(const SFraction&, const SFraction&)
FFDiv(const SFraction& x, const SFraction& y) --- x / y
FFMult(const SFraction& x, const SFraction& y) --- x * y
FFSub(const SFraction& x, const SFraction& y) --- x - y
FsDiv(const SFraction& x, ulong n) --- x / n
FsMult(const SFraction& x, ulong n) --- x * n
operator*(const SFraction& m, double d) --- m * d
operator-() --- sign operator "-m"
operator/(const SFraction& m, double d) --- m / d
operator/(double d, const SFraction& n) --- d / m
operator=(const SFraction& a)
operator=(const SLong& a)
operator==(const SFraction&, const SFraction&)
ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, SFraction& sf) --- output stream
Put(int fmt), SetFormat(int fmt) --- Out put function. I recommend the output stream "operator <<" above with "SLong::SetFormat".
reduce(bool) --- This is the private member. See the header for public member Reduce().
Set(const SLong& n, const SLong& d) --- It sets a fraction d/n.
SetDouble(double n, double d)
SetLong(long n, long d)
SetString(const char *s)