Old versions and source code of MultiPar

  Old versions and source code packages are available at OneDrive now. If you want older files, contact with me by e-mail. (Early files may disappear already.)

License notice

  MultiPar consists of PAR clients and GUI to control them. Though console applications are open source (PAR clients are GPL), GUI application is closed source. If you want to change the license type, please ask the original authors. I would follow their will.

  Console applications and some UI resource are open source.
ProjectFilenameLicense type
PAR1 clientpar1j.exe LGPL v2.1 (same as Galois Field Arithmetic Library by James S. Plank)
PAR2 clientpar2j.exe GPL v2 (same as par2cmdline by Peter Brian Clements)
SFV & MD5 checkersfv_md5.exeThe MIT license
PAR2 file's rename tooltool\par2_rename.exeThe MIT license
UI DLLui\????.dllPublic domain. It is possible to edit or translate freely.
Help documentshelp\????\*.htmPublic domain. It is possible to translate freely.
Shell Extension DLLMultiParShlExt.dll and MultiParShlExt64.dllThe MIT license
Shell Extension's textMultiParShlExt.iniPublic domain. It is possible to translate freely.

  GUI application is closed source. (same as QuickPar by Peter Brian Clements)
Main GUIMultiPar.exe

Last update 2024 June 8 by Yutaka Sawada.